Free Guy Movie Review

Free Guy is the best film of 2021.

Here’s why:

You’ll love Free Guy if you’re a gamer!

First of all, I’m a huge gamer. You have to be a gamer to “get” Free Guy. If you’re not a gamer, this is one to skip. But for me, it’s my favorite film of the year. Not all will agree. My husband said 20 minutes into the movie that he didn’t understand it. I explained it by referencing Dead Pool, another film starring Ryan Reynolds. In Dead Pool, the main character realizes he’s inside a comic book. In Free Guy, “Guy” (Ryan Reynolds) realizes he’s inside a video game. Realizing that they cannot die, and that nothing they do matters, they develop an almost god like complex. But in Free Guy, Ryan Reynolds is actually a good guy and motivated by love.

After awhile, my husband did catch on, and he did enjoy the movie. So maybe non-gamers can enjoy this film too. They’ll just be really confused by all the gamer jokes and references.

You see, Guy is an NPC “Non Playable Character” and everyone in Guy’s circle of friends, yep, they’re also NPCs. The movie opens by telling you that Sunglass People are like gods and can do anything. Meanwhile, for Guy and his friends, they continuously repeat the same thing every day. They wake up, wear only one outfit, order only one type of coffee, go to one job, and even know a scheduled time when banks will be robbed or people will be shot, because it happens at the exact same time every single day.

Interesting Characters and Concepts

Guy is an interesting character. He is super nice and sweet. I know Ryan Reynolds is a huge fan favorite – but I never pay much attention to hollywood who’s who. But anyone, after watching this movie, could have a little fan girl crush on Ryan Reynolds now. He is so cute and sweet and innocent awwww.

Guy lives in a really violent and dangerous video game. There’s tanks and planes and cars and guns and crazy stuff happening everywhere at all times. It’s the most popular video game and has a lot of “Sunglass People” who are actually real people using their virtual reality headsets to play the game.

NPCs are not supposed to break their routine or talk to or approach Sunglass People. They are just supposed to be background characters. The players often enjoy abusing and killing the NPCs for their own amusement.

However, one girl is playing the game for a different reason. She believes the game is based on stollen code that she and her friend developed together. Their game had very advanced AI “Artificial Intelligence” and the NPCs were supposed to be able to learn and grow through interacting with the players. And the original game was a peaceful game in a forest of butterflies and unicorns, not the violent “Free City” that Guy lives in now.

The artificial intelligence was supposed to each have a secret desire that would motivate them and determine their actions. Guy is the hopeless romantic. He’s been alone all his life, but yet, Guy still believes in love. He dreams of finding “The One” and he truly believes she is out there and they will meet and it’ll be just like in the movies. A love to last a lifetime.

Well as fate would have it, Guy’s ideal woman was modeled after a real life woman, who just happens to be this one player in the game. When Guy sees her, his AI awakens and he will do anything to fill his desire to be with her. It’s a sweet but sad love story, because Guy is not real. And unlike Bicentennial Man, Guy never does become real.

It has something for everyone – Action, Comedy, and Romance!

At the heart of this violent action movie is a love story (and a whole lotta comedy). It has a little bit of vulgarity – But not as much as Deadpool – still not one for your kids though. At one point Guy’s making inappropriate homosexual jokes (because he doesn’t understand it’s inappropriate) This could still be in poor taste and offensive to a lot of people. But Free Guy is not the first show to be unconventionally offensive (Southpark, anyone?). Some shows do this to call attention to uncomfortable societal norms and injustices. Other shows use it as adding shock value, but whatever the reason, it can still sometimes offend people. So if you’re easily offended, this film may not be for you. At another point, a character tells guy he’s so “Deep” (emotionally/intellectually) that he can taste his dick. (WTF lol. It was funny though) – At another point a player is T-Bagging an NPC he just killed, and lots of other funny moments like this. A very WTF – but geeky/gamery sense of humor.

Free Guy Has A Powerful Motivational Message Hidden Inside Crude Humor And Violent Action

What can Free Guy teach us? What does it want us to take away after watching the film. A few things:

The most important thing that Free Guy teaches us, is that every day when we wake up, we have the power to change the world. We have the power to do anything. No matter who you are, where you are. No matter if the world is a terrible place. We can all do our part to make the world better.

When the world you live in is violent and cold and uncaring, at the core, there is still love, and friendship. There is still hope. Every day is a new day to reinvent yourself, learn something new, travel somewhere new, try something new, talk to someone new. Every day is a new day.

There are a lot of people in the “real world” who feel stuck and want to break free from the dullness of their routines. Everyday in the real world, we wake up, probably eat or drink the same thing, follow the same path to work, work the same job every day, talk to and see the same people every day.

Are we just NPCs in our own lives? Are the people around us just background characters? Are we powerless and helpless in a violent world?

Remember, even in that violent world, Guy had a smile and he was happy. He had friends he loved. He had happiness. Even in a dull routine, you have to find your own happiness… But…

If you’re really unhappy with your life – then change it. Find a way. Be like Guy. Sure, you can’t just put on glasses and see the world differently, but you can change your attitude and look at things in a new way.

Try a new drink, take a different path to work, talk to someone new. If you don’t like your work, find a new place to work, or try to learn new skills and get a promotion or change careers.

If you want love, go out and find it. Be like Guy, let nothing stop you from going after your dreams.

And in the end, even if you have to let go of that one dream – go out and find a new dream.

When Guy’s dream came to an end – was he sad? Probably yes – but he also discovered that when one dream ends, a road of endless possibilities lies ahead. When she asked what he will do now, he answered “Anything I want”. This is the message the movie wants to impart.

Every day is a new day to do anything that you want.

If you’re a gamer, you’ll wish Free City or Life Itself were real games

Think of how awesome The Sims and other casual games (my favorite genre of gaming) would be, if Artificial Intelligence could be like Free Guy and truly develop its own personality of endless possibilities. Or maybe you prefer the ultra violent action of Free City. (Not my taste, but who am I to judge what games you play). I have always been fascinated by AI (Artificial Intelligence). I love movies like I Robot, Bicentenial Man, Chobits, Absolute Boyfriend, and Plastic Memories that show us a futuristic AI with human emotions and feelings – I hope someday in my lifetime that will become a reality. For now it may be science fiction. But science fiction inspires the dreams and realities of tomorrow.

Free Guy Movie Review was originally published on Geeky Sweetie

More Past Life Readings Part 2

Yesterday, I shared with you some of my recent past life readings in an article titled “Are Past Lives Real?” That article was already quite long, but I received two more of my readings today and they are a bit more of a fun read. One of them is an audio file and the other one has images of who I was in a past life – and those images honestly look a lot like my current self in this life.

First let’s take a look at the reading with the images. In this life I was a virgin priestess in Ancient Rome. Here are the 3 photos the psychic sent me. I don’t know if they’re random photos from google, or if she drew these – there are some people who are psychic artists. Either way, random photo, photo generating app, or skilled artist, I was surprised by how similar this woman looks to me. The shape of the nose, the shape of the face, chin, cheeks, the eyes, the lips, and the black curly hair.

As a young girl:

And as an older woman:

And here are some recent photos of me (with our new kitten we adopted a few weeks ago):

I have reddish brown highlights right now, but my natural color is only 2 shades away from a natural black.

Here’s some older photos of me with darker hair. The super dark ones (like my eyebrows) are my natural color.

I see a strong resemblance to the pictures provided by the psychic. Rounded jawline, oval face, dark curly hair, dark eyes, thick full eyebrows, thin small lips, etc.

Whether she did research (she did have my full name) and looked at pictures, or used her psychic intuition, who knows. But as mentioned in my previous post, there are some who believe we retain a lot of our physical appearance in each incarnation – and some even believe we reincarnate within our own bloodlines / future generations (which would also explain the resemblance due to genetics being passed down.)

So you might be wondering what my life as a virgin priestess in Ancient Rome was like. Here are the full details from the psychic reading.

In this life you lived in ancient Rome. You were a vestal virgin in a temple of Vesta, a position
that was given to you as a child and that pretty much sealed your whole fate in life. You were
also later believed to be clairvoyant/clairaudient and acted as a communicator to the divine at the
time. Whether or not you believe in clair senses or think you were just schizophrenic in this life,
based on your beliefs you truly believed you were able to receive those messages. You would get
visions of future events, of oracle’s to deliver to those you spoke to and those who came to you
seeking answers.
The people around you really trusted your guidance, it was because you had a very positive
energy about you. A lot of oracles or people who could receive divine messages were pretentious
or were very mysterious and silent. This wasn’t the case with you, you had a very bright
personality and were happy to talk to others. You always had a bright smile on your face when
you greeted new people and you made them feel warm just by being around them.
You had a lot of responsibilities at the temple other than just being a vestal virgin. Your duty of
maintaining the everlasting fire being the most important. You helped the high priestess a lot in
her delivery of offerings. You also really loved to memorize the hymns and you would write
them down to keep them memorized. It was something you did to distract yourself a lot, you
wrote. You would write divine messages that were given to you for others or that you just caught
glimpses of or heard pieces of. Unfortunately you were kept under strict rules in your position.
You were someone who people came to receive advice from. Not only were you really trusted for
your reliability to deliver trustworthy messages from the divine at times, but you also gave
extremely good advice. You had a certain deep level of understanding for situations that you’ve
never experienced, and a level of empathy that helped you find ways to solve other people’s
problems and to give them relief from grief.
You had two siblings growing up, a brother and a sister. Your sister was the oldest and your
brother was younger than you, you were the middle child. Your sister was married off and you
never really saw her much afterwards. She never made it a point to visit you or to send you any
messages through others, she was jealous you were selected. Your brother on the other hand
visited you often. You had a very close relationship, he looked up to you a lot as a person. He
thought you were very kind and were the type of selfless that perfectly reflected your position.
You never really had any romantic relationships as you were in a position that had more
freedoms than others and didn’t have to be married off. It was also required to remain a virgin if
you resided in Vesta’s temple. Breaking that vow would have led to you being buried alive. You
were very dedicated to your religion so it never really bothered you that you couldn’t fall in love
with anyone. You looked up to Vesta a lot anyway, you wanted to be like her. A catalyst of peace.
You were friends with pretty much everyone in the temple. You were an extremely positive and
happy person to be around, people with you felt at peace just like you had wanted them to.
People would also often comment about how beautiful you were, saying that you were blessed
by the gods for your kind heart.
You were a very curious person. You thought it was a divine gift that you were able to peer into
the unknown. You could see things and nobody else could and you thought that it was something
very meaningful. As if you had some kind of destiny or unperceivable fate.
In your childhood you always tried to mimic those around you. You wanted to be more like your
older sister, elegant and quiet just as you were told you should be. You didn’t have a big sense of
self in your childhood, because you were always trying to be someone else. When you were
selected to become a vestal virgin you began to develop your own personality and sense of self.
You melted your mask in a sense, this is when your selfless nature truly set in. You didn’t want to
be anyone else but yourself, and you wanted others to feel the same way. You wanted to make
other people feel comfortable around you.
You died a year or two before you completed your time as a vestal virgin. You were meant to be
one for 30 years as per usual, but you died in your 29th year. You were around 35. You caught an
illness and your health rapidly declined. The people thought it was a horribly bad omen for a
vestal virgin to die before their time was completed so your death caused a lot of panic.
This is what you looked like when you first started your duties as a vestal virgin
This is how you looked when you were older
*If you have any lingering questions or inquiries about this specific life, I would be happy
to answer free of charge
*The querent has full ownership over this PDF and may do with it whatever they please

I don’t know how much of that resonates with me – I mean I do think I am a selfless and giving person in this life – and when I’m not being shy or nervous or isolating myself I am often smiling and giggling and laughing. I feel I have a positive energy and good spirit still in this life. I probably would have liked having freedom and not being forced to marry. I don’t like the idea of arranged marriage and only would want to marry for love. If it wasn’t love and of my own free will, I don’t think I’d like it much at all.

In the readings from yesterday, more than one mentioned I was a mystic in past lives (could be this one here in Rome or others), and my own mother who is herself a self proclaimed psychic, tells me I am too, that I’m just more closed off to it for some reason. I do remember at least one past life dream of being a healer/medicine woman (another type of mystic). And the fact I can remember past life dreams at all or have even a mild interest in the psychic arts would indicate someone with those talents possibly. I do get deja vu randomly. I know what’s going to be said, and more than hearing it, I kinda see it. For example if we’re driving down the road, I’ll know a deer is about to jump out or get some other sense of anxiety – which often occurs simultaneously while I’m already feeling Deja Vu and silently asking myself “haven’t we had this conversation before?” I don’t feel it all the time, but once or twice a month it’ll hit me all of a sudden that I know where we are what’s going to be said and what’s going to happen even if it’s in a place I’ve never been to before.

Also the readings said I enjoyed isolation – in another life I was a monk as well. I also enjoyed writing in numerous lives – and clearly by my long worded blog posts – I enjoy writing in this life as well. The readings yesterday mentioned I loved wearing beautiful dresses – and this is another life that probably saw me wearing fine garments. And in my current life, I prefer dresses. I never understood why women in today’s society 2021, say dresses are uncomfortable. To me, they’re much more comfortable than pants – but maybe it’s because as other psychics have said, I have a very strong feminine energy and many past lives where I would have either had to, or chosen to, wear fancy dresses. I’ve loved dresses since a toddler, and had beautiful ones in this life too, and would spend hours playing dressup in front of the mirror all by myself – so the fact so many of my past lives find me wearing dresses and/or costumes/uniforms of some type resonates with me pretty strongly.

So that’s it for the first psychic reading I received today (These were all ordered at the same time, just some have taken longer to arrive) This one I think was only like $5 and worth it I feel like for the pictures alone – even if they’re from an app or off google – they did a good job picking ones that actually look like me, which freaks me out a little, but I’m not scared by past lives, if anything it’s a comforting thought, just like heaven, or an afterlife, or anything else. And for me in my own personal beliefs, it’s not an either or, I think there’s both, heaven and reincarnation. I think you stay in heaven awhile (hundreds of years maybe, who knows – it’s timeless up there), and then reincarnate, maybe cuz you’re bored or maybe cuz you have more to learn here, who knows.

The next psychic reading was an audio file. I admit I was scared to listen to it. When you mess with the occult and psychic stuff you’re tapping into other people’s energy – and letting those people tap into yours. I put off listening to it until I was alone in private. Even though that made me more scared, wondering if something would happen by listening to it. I wanted to concentrate on it though without interruption.

There are youtube videos and audio where you can self hypnotize yourself. There is one by Brian Weiss who I mentioned I bought his books – I haven’t listened to it yet though – because it can be scary to have a past life regression – sometimes you see shocking things – violent things – sad things – painful things.

I did self hypnosis once – I was really into abraham hicks and the law of attraction. I found a youtube video and it said you’re going deeper and deeper down a flight of stairs, there’s a door at the bottom – before I even reached the door I fell asleep – and I am not lying – I woke up right as the youtube video said “You’re waking up, you feel relaxed and refreshed, at the sound of my voice you will be fully awake”.

So apparently I’m very susceptible to hypnosis. Some people aren’t but I fell asleep. I got scared because 1.) It actually worked (at least making me sleep and wakeup on command) – but 2.) I remembered absolutely nothing of the 45 minute video – I had no idea what it said to me – and I started thinking WOAH It could be putting messed up ideas in my head – or saying crazy weird things. It scared me – so it was a one and only thing for me. Although I do know if I want to do a professional regression, I’ll experience the same things – but I trust a psychiatrist more than some random internet youtube channel lol.

Anyways this audio was not hypnotic. But I was worried it might be something like that – Instead I was instantly pleased by a very positive and kind sounding young sounding woman with a bright happy voice and pleasant music in the background. The life she told me about also sounded amazing and pleasant in the very definition of the word.

Before I tell you about that life, I want to mention, because my mom is super into psychic stuff we have gone to Lily Dale several times together. It’s a town where everyone is a psychic supposedly. I’ve had good readings, and bad readings. Most of the readings have been free (they randomly choose people in the audience). I only paid for a reading one time before there. And I was kinda disapointed in that reading. Even though what he said was true. He was a little critical and it didn’t have info that I was looking to hear at that time.

He basically told me, I’m a sad person, I hate myself, and I need more confidence in myself. He said I’m surrounded by dogs in spirit form (I do have a lot of pets who have crossed over.) He said that when I cry, a giant black dog tries to lick my face, and the dog wants me to be happy and that the dog is always with me in this life. Growing up in this life, I had 2 black labs. For some reason, one was a house dog, while its mother was an outdoors dog (we’d bring her in in the snow/rain/etc we’re not cruel people), but I always felt super close to the indoor one because I spent all the time with it. (I still had to go feed and water and walk the other one too) (I think maybe my parents were trying to use her as a guard dog is why she was outside I don’t know, I was too young to decide where our animals stayed and didn’t think to question it much at a young age). The indoor dog, being the other’s daughter, I remember more clearly, because it was around later in my life. It lived a long time for a dog. I was 7 or 8 maybe when it was born, and it lived until the year I left for college – so it lived like 11 or 12 years. We did everything together. I dressed her in matching outfits – even though she wasn’t one of those little froo-froo dogs – and at halloween I dressed her in unique costumes that I made myself. We went trick or treating together and everyone loved her costumes. In summers we swam in the lake and went on the boat together. In winter we went sledding – she would chase and try to jump on the sled. She was a really good dog. She was also a REALLY BIG dog – a really big black dog. If she stood on her hind legs she could take food off of tables – or out of kids’ hands and mouths which she sometimes did lol.

I don’t know how that psychic knew I had dogs. He had us hold a slip of paper. Not write anything on it. Just hold it. And then when it was our turn to be read, he took and held the paper. And was supposedly reading our energy that way. I was hoping to hear about boys I was interested in at the time, or relationship stuff in general. But we didn’t get to ask or say anything. Also he was more like a medium rather than a psychic. He mostly connected with people (or apparently animals too) who had crossed over.

Also this dog I felt was always closer to my mom, even though I was also obviously close to the dog, I had school and other obligations and my mom was home with it, and even more attached to it than me. So I thought it was odd that in spirit, the dog would be tied to me, why not tied to my mom?

But to pick up on a big black dog. How’d he know I had dogs at all, cats are actually more popular in America, and I’ve had cats and rabbits and guinea pigs, and hamsters, and yes, dogs. But not only did he pick up I had a dog, but a big one, and the color – The only big dogs I had were black labs. Before that I had a small beagle, and after that I had poodles and chihuahuas and terriers and other smaller breeds. So if it was big and black, I know it had to be one of the two black labs, and because I was closer to the indoor one, I suspect it was her.

Anyways, yesterday’s readings showed me a life in Wales where I had 3 dogs and 2 horses and that I loved spending time with them every day. – I also mentioned my mother’s father’s ancestors are all from Wales – and it is a tiny country – not that common – so odd a psychic would mention it – and double odd that my ancestors are from there. It could be a total coincidence – but maybe not?

This psychic audio recording tuned into a blissfully happy past life spent in a forest talking to animals, and also shared with a soul mate and our children. It would be nice if this life was true – so I’ll choose to believe it anyways.

Click Play To Listen To This Past Life

Here are some notes I took while listening to the audio for the first time.

Animals in a forest – moss on rocks – vines on trees – being connected to nature and plants – animal spirits around me. Strong connection with animals – can communicate with them and understand them.

Vegetarian – only eating plants – Watched the animals to learn what is safe to eat.

Leave groupings of food out for different animals

Sweet and Innocent

Male energy. Soulmate. Brown hair. Bright green eyes. The person’s name started with an M – but doesn’t know full name.

Adventures / Best Friend / Lovers – Two in one – Closely bonded. Lots of giggling and laughter. Doing silly things together.

Close to a meadow and creek.

Looking up at the stars – old soul in a young body – Etheral and childlike and innocent

Two or Three children. Stronger to 2 – Made things out of plants, bracelets, flowers tied together, ankle, wrists, soft pink flowers. Lots of laughter, having fun, carefree

If she didn’t know better she would say it was heaven because it feels so magical.

Like stepping into a dream – weird in a good way. It does not feel like Earth.

There were stories I would tell my kids – explaining how things are – how mythology started.

Age was not what we think of today – could grow to be pretty old – Long, long grey hair.

In this current life, I love animals. My fiance does have dark hair but not the green eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever met or dated anyone with green eyes. My fiance was born in a jungle in this lifetime though – not joking – he’s a real life jungleboy. He could write a book about his life it’s so unique and interesting.

The one thing I love the most about my fiance in this current life is that he makes me laugh all the time. I laugh until I can’t breathe, until tears come down my eyes/face. He’s goofy and sweet and silly. And it makes me feel I can loosen up some myself and be very silly myself – which in my current life is sometimes hard for me to do – I can be overly serious, sensitive, insecure. So it’s refreshing to find someone that lets me laugh and enjoy life so much. I can only think of maybe one other person that I can say has ever made me laugh so much in this life.

I’ve had past lives where I’ve had children – or brothers and sisters – and other past lives where I’ve had none – This current life is one without siblings – and so far no children. I am 40 now, but there is still a chance in the next year or two.

But either way, Adventure is something we definitely go on in this current life too. I went to Peru with him in this life. I plan to eventually go to Japan. There are many other places on my bucket list: Greece, Italy, Maldives, Hawaii, a Cruise (somewhere, anywhere, just to experience it lol). But we take local trips and excursions, we go to festivals, faires, zoos, museums, concerts, and he is an athlete, I go to a lot of his sporting events. And I’m a gamer and started my own anime and gaming club and he helps support me in that.

I vaguely recall a psychic reading from probably 6 years ago now, where a psychic told me my soulmate had dark hair and green eyes – I wonder if they picked up that same energy.

I think in life you have many soul mates. We travel in soul groups, and have soul connections. Sometimes we’re paying off karma debts, but other times, we’re traveling just because we are drawn to those people.

I’m not a vegetarian in this life. My mom and grandma recently became vegetarians – my grandma about 5 years ago, my mom, a year or two ago. I love animals – and I can watch and share a youtube video of a pig or cow getting rescued from a slaughter truck or house – and think omg how cute – how wonderful – how amazing – and then 10 minutes later go eat a steak or burger and not bat an eyelash or think about the animals in this life. Maybe I’m not as mindful in this life. Maybe I’ll pay for that in another life. Who knows.

I do have probably a bad unhealthy relationship with food in this current life. My weight goes up and down, but I haven’t been below 200 in 20 years now. I’m usually right around 210, but I have been as big as 235. I have PCOS and other issues – but I’m not going to blame it all on that 100% – I know I could improve my diet and eating habbits. That’s one of my struggles in this life I guess.

Still it sounded like an amazing life in the forest with the animals and my soulmate and my children. I can’t think of anything more wonderful than that. I wish I could have another life like that. It sounds like it was a long one – hundreds of years? It makes me feel like an elf from Lord of the Rings – or some other forest creature. Although it was probably some type of jungle tribe 🙂 I am glad I got to experience it for such a long time.

I hope this current life is equally as long and happy and peaceful. I have people I love and lots of animals I love too in this current life. I do live in a place that sees all 4 seasons – and I have spent a lot of time in the woods and caves and other things when I was younger – Pennsylvania is known for its beautiful forests and a lot of hiking and nature trails and caves. We have beautiful falls and all the leaves change colors – but I enjoy this time of year – where everything is green even more.

Also my favorite color in this life is pink – and I do have pink (fake) flowers on my desk.

And again it references story telling – and a sense of mysticism – and jewelry making (another artisian craft)

I’m also very naive and innocent in my current life. I’m 40 but I act like I’m in my teens or 20s. I’m very giggly and sweet too – which also resonates back to the first pyshic reading in today’s post about how I had such a youthful and vibrant personality as a priestess and bright smile.

It seems my natural disposition is to be happy. Even in this life it is hard to upset me – but once I am upset – it can be like flipping a switch and instant melt down (which other past life readings yesterday picked up on) lol.

I also spent a lot of time looking at stars in this life. I used to go to the planetarium and as a young girl watched stars from my grandparents’ back yard. Made shapes in stars and clouds. Made up stories. etc.

I’ve always had a super strong interest in mythology – even studied it in highschool and university and enjoyed it more than other periods of history. Like they say an old soul in a young body.

Well that’s it for this morning. 🙂 Don’t forget to check out my first post on past lives if you want to read more.

More Past Life Readings Part 2 was originally published on

Are Past Lives Real?

I have always had a mild interest and belief in past lives although I am Christian (and actually recently turned Catholic). There is some evidence of reincarnation even in the bible and until a few hundred years ago both Christianity and Judaism referenced reincarnation. I have heard it was removed to make people more mindful of their actions and consequences in this life.

Sprinkled in this blog post are screen shots of some of the actual past life readings I have received. They are not in order and just thrown in randomly to illustrate the story – although they don’t make great pictures since they’re text as well so I added a few random images to break up walls of text to make this easier to read. I imagine no one’s really interested in reading this, except for me, so what I say goes :). One of the readings I ordered is an audio recording, but I have not received it yet. I prefer the text so I can go back and reread it and reference it easily. Absorbing different things each time I read them.

By the way if you want to watch or read a good anime or manga about past lives here are some recommendations: Betrayal Knows My Name, Please Save My Earth, and Sailor Moon.

Past Life or Psychic phenomena are controversial and I suspect many readers strongly reject this idea for numbers of reasons. One of the most common rejections I hear is “If Reincarnation exists why is earth’s population growing and not remaining constant?” I like to think of how we recycle plastic and paper to make new products. Sometimes we recycle, and sometimes we manufacture completely new products from new materials. Well sometimes God recycles old souls, and sometimes he creates new souls. Other people believe there are other worlds or dimensions and Earth is just one of many in which we can reincarnate and that Earth is one of the easiest levels of existence and we see more souls over time choosing this existence therefore contributing to our population. Plus it’s not constantly growing. Back in 1960s-70s Baby Boomers returning from war, etc the rate of increase was double what it is today. Today we’re only increasing at a rate of 1% – and some places – like Japan – are actually rapidly decreasing. Plus, it’s not like we instantly reincarnate. We go to the light, the light heals us, we’re allowed to rest and heal from the previous life, before being forced or choosing voluntarily to enter again into a new life.

About 2 years ago I started having dreams I couldn’t explain. They were different from my normal dreams… I’ve had 3 or 4 of these now. I believe them to be dreams of a past life. They are different because they are first-person point of view and more vivid and more “real” yet they couldn’t be anything I’ve seen in real life.

The first one I had, I was riding in a car – it was sorta shaped like a jeep or military old-style truck. Black or dark green or some other dark color. Square boxy looking vehicle. The roads were exceptionally dark, no lights and mostly rural lots and lots of trees. But the most memorable thing was how the water came right up to the side of the road. Not like in America how we build trenches or bridges. This road was at sea level. Running right along the road. It was cold. There was a lot of snow and ice. I was a passenger. A man was driving the car. We slid on the ice and sank into the water and I drowned.

It was different than any dream I ever had, so I took to the internet to begin looking at places where the water meets the road. I came up with places like Norway, Sweeden, Greenland…

Well in my reading the psychic tuned into a life in Finland. I took to google to look at pictures of Finland and yes of course it looks like the one from my dream.

I will never forget it because it was my first past life dream. After that dream, I purchased books by Brian Weiss and enjoyed them tremendously.

Last week I began watching the new Lifetime Movie Network series “Who Was I?” about past life regression. I wanted to do a past life regression but they are about $300 per hour. I liked on the TV show how they just let the client do all the speaking and then the team researches and finds birth and marriage and baptism and death records that these people really existed. As of today, there are three episodes.

Her Past Lives Reveal Themselves Under Hypnosis! – Who Was I (S1, E1) | Full Episode | LMN

The source of Shelise’s strange compulsion to repeat an invasive medical procedure is revealed when Damian offers proof of her extremely diverse multiple pas…


I can’t afford to do my own past life regression in person. And I know on the internet anyone can make up anything.

But I wanted to see if any of the psychics tuned into anything in my dreams. The one believed to be in Finland was just one of several. I also have had a dream where I’m picking herbs with I assume a mother figure. We go to a small town. We are walking, and carrying the herbs in cloth wrappings. We are very specific in how we cut and carry the herbs, not wanting to damage the plants so we can harvest them again later. But once we get to the town there’s a council meeting and my mother is trying to treat a sick woman but the councilmen accuse my mother of witch craft and I watched her be stoned to death unable to help her.

I had another dream I believe to be a past life also, I think it was in Egypt. I dreamt I was a slave I think. We were digging holes in the sand and pouring fluid into these holes. I’m thinking it symbolizes the burial of the dead (digging holes) and the fluid (embalming fluid) which was poured not into holes in actuality, but into the dead bodies orifices. Or it could symbolize the building of the pyramids also done by slaves. They would pull the sledge and pour water over the sand to make it easier to maneuver. I didn’t know this at all until after my dream when I began to research this. I had not watched any programs on TV or online. Nothing. I am in my 40s and whatever they taught us in highschool it definitely wasn’t that detailed to know they poured water into the sand – and it was 20 plus years ago that I would have heard that anyways. – None of the psychics yet have honed in on that dream / possible past life.

About 5 years ago I began practicing manifestation as my life was at a standstill and I was more or less desperate and grasping for anything at that point. I purchased books and audio tapes about the law of attraction, mostly following the teachings of Abraham. Within less than 6 months my life had drastically improved in every way. Career wise, and relationship wise. I didn’t manifest anything with either of the two people I was chasing after during that 6 months, but as soon as I let it go to the universe, I met my now fiance (we have been together 4 years and getting married next week.) I went to a lantern festival, wrote down my intentions, not naming anyone specific, just naming qualities, both personality and physical that I wanted, and literally let it go, into the sky, up to heaven, and felt a sense of peacefulness. The very next morning I met the man I’m about to marry.

This man is different from any man I’ve ever dated. I’ve been in abusive relationships before, physical, and mental, and this man is so far from the opposite of all of that. Four years and he’s never raised his voice at me, he’s never called me a curse word or bad or derogatory name. And I didn’t have to wait months or years for him to want the same thing (a relationship). I do fall in love fast. I always have. I was a late bloomer – not even holding hands with, going on a date with, or kissing a guy until I was 19 years old. But most of my 20s and 30s were filled with passionate sometimes tumultuous relationships. The highs were high, the lows were low… And this… this is different. It is always a steady calm love. You know what he told me and in front of other people one time defending me or our relationship, he told me that he still gets butterflies coming home from work, excited to see me. That he genuinely misses me when we aren’t together, and that I am the only person he has never lied to, because he feels he can be himself around me and be accepted and loved for who he truly is.

Anyways, why am I telling you all of this, I want you to see how accurate some of these predictions are.

The first one told me about a past life in Finaland. This corresponds to my first past life dream. By the way I told nothing of this to ANY psychic. I gave name and birthdate and if asked place of birth and that’s all. No question asked. No leading statement. Nadda. – By the way, in this current life, I have a phobia about driving – especially in ice or snow.

That same psychic told me I was surrounded by many men and men had difficulty figuring me out – this is probably still true in my current life. Although I was a late bloomer – I made up for it quickly. And it has happened more than once in this current life that I’ve had multiple love interests in this life and gotten to pick or choose who I wanted to pursue.

The psychic told me that my task in this life is to fulfill my feminine purpose in a reliable trusting relationship through marriage. – Again I said nothing – they have no way of knowing I am about to get married in just 8 days now – and hopefully getting it right this time with someone reliable and trusting.

So that’s psychic number 1.

Psychic number 2 tuned into a completely different lifetime – but many similar traits and qualities as psychic 1 (that I still exhibit in this current life time). Some people believe that you reincarnate and repeat all of the same mistakes and you retain your inner being, your personality, and temperament and likes and desires and all of that. Furthermore many believe you reincarnate in the same soul group or soul family. And some take that a step further and say you reincarnate in your actual literal physical family – many generations later. Based on psychic 2… I think it must be so!

Psychic 2… first thing she told me was that my first life was in ancient Japan. – Again this person knows nothing about me. It was ordered from an Etsy shop. You just get asked name and birthdate only.

She had no way of knowing that I am absolutely OBSESSED with EVERYTHING Japanese in my current life. I wondered why… My family, my friends, none of them were into anime or manga. I found it by chance and took off and ran into my own little obsessive world. I cosplay. I go to conventions. I love meeting and talking to other anime fans. Gaming is another big one – but not just any gaming – No for me it has to be similar to JRPG (Japanese roleplaying games) For many years I maintained an opinion that American and European games sucked – until someone literally forced me to play Torment – and it was awesome – but largely, I turn a blind eye to American games – Halo, Fortnite, Call of Duty, MEH who gives a flip about those?!! Give me Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy, Lunar, Zelda, Persona, etc.

Not only that… but in my soul – I long to go to Japan. OK maybe MOSTLY to go shopping – I also collect these Japanese dolls called Dollfie Dream (and Smartdoll and Azone and Obitsu) but Dollfie Dream are the biggest obsession. I spend HUNDREDS on these dolls.

But not only to go shopping – I long to see the cherry blossoms and ancient shrines and temples. To visit Nara and the bowing deer and the beaches and countrysides. I want to see it all.

It is more than a dream – I actually had plane tickets and hotel reservations back in 2019/2020 before Covid hit – I had to cancel because the borders closed – but some day – it will be a reality.

No one else I know loves Japan more than me. It is my ultimate ultimate obsession. I buy games and books in Japanese language even though I can’t read or speak it. After the 90s, fan translations were a thing, but you know what, I had many Japanese SNES and PS1 games with just a text walkthrough before they were fan translated. And now, I use google translate and translate my screen in real time. I’m playing all the newest latest Japanese games.

I even love Asian dramas – and asian music – and I find the men in those dramas and bands to be really charming and cute (or attractive and sexy). I tried to date a few people like that in real life too – but I can be pushy at love and scare people away or demand too much sometimes. I’ve gotten better and more patient now lol.

I think chasing after love was fun and exciting for me in this life – and seems from multiple psychics to have been a huge part of all of my past lives. But honestly, my conscious mind in this life prefers steady love.

Unrequited love is still love, because to the person with feelings, those feelings are real. Just because someone doesn’t return your feelings doesn’t make your own feelings invalidated. But it is always much better when the feelings are reciprocated.

There are two cases in this current life where I’ve had unrequited feelings for someone else. I move too fast which scares men. 🙂 Stage five clinger alert right here LOL. Well in one of those cases I can definitely say that was true. I pushed for it, wanting it to be something when it wasn’t time for it yet. If I had played my cards differently, it may have very well turned into something down the road.

But what can I say? I know what I want and I go after it with gusto. Career, Boys, whatever lol.

In the other one, I didn’t push hard enough – or at all – because I just sensed he wasn’t open to anything like that and I wasn’t 100% ready to just cut ties completely because even though it wasn’t a relationship, it was attention from someone I was pretty intensely attracted to.

Although in the end, it was me who moved on. He did hint he wanted to see me after that, but I’m a loyal girl, first and foremost. I’m the most loyal and loving person ever, and even though my now fiance and I weren’t even officially boyfriend and girlfriend at that time, I declined because I could sense that my fiance was genuinely interested and was making effort (seeing me regularly, not putting me on pause whenever he felt like it, not ghosting me, etc like these other 2 men tended to do.).

But yes, let’s just say I’m drawn to anything from Asian culture, be it pop culture, nature/scenery, the temples and traditions, and yes even the men from around there. My soon to be husband is hispanic – but honestly when we met online I thought he was Asian because he has those exotic cat like eyes that I love so much. Dark almond shaped eyes. And in winter he’s not very dark skinned. He gets really dark in the summer because he’s very active outdoors lol. We laugh about it now, but yeah I made a comment to him when we first met thinking he was Asian. He also told me at a comedy club the comedian made Asian jokes addressed towards him. He is from Peru so he’s closer to indian / native american than anything else. But from my knowledge of south america a lot of their ancestors came from China too like thousands of years ago. So thinking about that now, and my own past life in China too – that further maybe proves we do travel in soul groups or reincarnate within even our own bloodlines hundreds or thousands of years later. We could have been monks together in ancient China lol.

So for psychic 2 to say my first life ever on earth was in Ancient Japan – and actually, my next life was in China – followed by many years in Europe – well that resonated with me. How else could I explain how much I love everything Asian?

In Ancient Japan she tells me I was a dancer and would dance traditional dances in a group wearing beautiful exquisite costumes.

Later this same psychic went into great detail about a more recent life in Wales. My mother’s father’s side of the family is all from Wales… and that it is a teeny tiny country to pick from hundreds in the world…

In that life my mother sewed and I still loved dresses and eventually took over the mother’s shop and designed very detailed dresses and outfits.

In my current life I LOVE dresses. You’ll never see me wearing pants. I haven’t worn pants in probably 20+ years. I wear leggings under my dresses when it’s cold. I wear cosplay costumes too which can be elaborate. I love the deep southern belle kinds of dresses with corsets and big hoop skirts – but no one dresses like that anymore – I love halloween because it’s the one time I CAN dress like that. Or renaissance dresses – or whatever other elaborate dresses I want.

Again this psychic knew nothing of this trait of mine in current life. And in at least two of my past lives I wore or designed beautiful costumes.

In the life in Wales, I had 3 dogs and 2 horses. I love animals in my current life. As a child I wanted to ride horses and did a few times via girl scouts or friends etc. But now as an adult I’m scared a little bit of horses. I think they’re beautiful. But I lack the physical body strength required to pull myself up onto their tall backs and when dismounting I am scared of falling. I’m oddly not that scared of being thrown from a horse. It’s just mounting and dismounting that frightens me. Once I’m on there, I’m good.

Even more interesting, I had a best friend, and she tells me we have spent many lives together and always as best friends. In the life in Wales, my best friend loved to cook. I have a best friend in this current life who – you guessed it – loves to cook. She’s always showing off her latest gourmet creations on instagram and she’s taught other people how to make some very challenging dishes. We’ve been best friends for over 30 years. I wonder if it could be the same soul in a new life.

The same psychic tuned into a life in which I had been a pagan medicine woman, collecting herbs. I was accused of witch craft but my father in that life worked with authorities and so we escaped.

It is quite similar to the dream I had where we picked herbs and I remember a council of men – but in my dream I was not harmed but a person who I felt was my mother in the dream was stoned. I assumed they didn’t harm me since I was a child.

In this past life the psychic tells me that my mother in that life was upset because they had warned me about the witch trials and that my mother never liked this old woman who I was trying to help with herbal remedies and that the old woman was tricking us to see if we were witches or not.

In that life I was very close with a grandmother. In my current life I’m closer to my grandmother than anyone else. I’m closer to her than my own mother. My grandmother is hands down my favorite person in this life. In the pagan life, the psychic talks about a bracelet given to me by the grandmother. In this life my grandmother at one time had thousands of dollars in fine jewelry, and still would if she hadn’t sold a lot of it to help family over the years. Big elaborate statement jewelry. And not costume jewelry, fine jewelry, gold, silver, platinum, and real gemstones.

Again maybe the same soul in a new shell. If we retain our personalities and interests and hobbies, and essentially what makes us “us” on the inside… that seems like my grandma in this life too.

That psychic gave me names for the life in Wales. She told me my name was Carol and my best friend was named Philippa but we called her Pippa.

She talks about how I was creative and loved coming up with new ideas for designs for outfits.

That’s psychic 2.

Let’s move on to psychic 3.

Psychic 3 put my info into some computer software and generated a 25 page report.

Although it is done using computer software it seems to corroborate the other two psychics insights as well. The 25 page report highlights how I’ve been an artist in numerous past lives – again without knowing that I am an artist in this current life. I’m a graphic artist / web developer / video producer / photographer in the year 2021. But in past lives I’ve been a dancer, a dress designer, a painter, a musician, actress, and a writer – all different types of artists. It is interesting that I am time and time again drawn to the artistic career paths in every life.

The 25 page report speaks of my previous relationships again flat out saying I had many different partners in each life and that each life was heavily influenced by those relationships.

The 25 page report says my challenges in past lives were staying balanced in romances and trying to avoid compromising too much in order to please people. It says in this life I must try to make sure it is a 50-50 proposition. Another psychic above told me my purpose in this life was to develop a trusting and positive relationship resulting in marriage.

It states I find fulfillment when in love with someone who accepts me as I am and when my deepest fears don’t derail me from reaching my ambitions. I do have a fear of rejection and a fear of disappointing others – not just in relationships, but platonic friendships, careers, everything, to the point I avoid or miss opportunities at times.

Again if what many say is true of past lives, we are reborn repeating the same patterns and mistakes over and over, until we overcome those challenges.

This seems true to my current life and all of the past lives seems to back this up. From nothing more than my name and birthdate.

The 25 page report talks about my fears how I am self-conscious, reserved and shy – yes true, true, and true in my current life still today. I feel like in the past few years I’ve blossomed – but it’s work and effort and not natural for me to be an outgoing person. My fiance helps me blossom and gain confidence this way.

The 25 page report says I enjoy solitude as it speaks to my soul. – Psychic 2 said I was a monk in the mountains – doesn’t get more solitude than that. And in my current life I never had (m)any friends. 1-2 good friends only. I was outcast. I didn’t go to (m)any after school functions. I don’t have brothers or sisters in this life, and I am very isolated. But I don’t mind. I love writing, reading, drawing, napping, spending time alone, thinking, creating, etc. So this is still true. I could go weeks, months maybe, without leaving the house or talking to more than my immediate family and significant other and be totally fine. Honestly, COVID was the happiest time of my life – sorry to those who lost loved ones – this isn’t to disrespect you and I am sorry for your loss. I loved it though, working from home, stay at home orders. I am a homebody. I like it that way. It’s me at my most natural element.

The 25 page report also said if I tried to hold onto someone too possessively they pulled away. I already shared about 2 incidents of that – but the most striking incident was my first relationship in this life. I was very insecure and jealous. I know I’m the one to blame for that relationship exploding. We even tried to reconcile but only a few months had past. I was only 21 and not mature at all. I couldn’t trust or let anyone into my heart because I had already assumed the worst. I’d get angry, physically sometimes even. What I did was shameful and totally unacceptable in every way. When I lost them the 2nd time I totally realized that, but it was too late then. I think I overcompensated for that in the next long term relationship, being with someone who was the abuser, and staying too long (fear of being alone in part, and also fears because he threatened self harm or harm to me and my family – and sadly I did learn of his passing, self-inflicted integral gunshot wound. – So yeah not just empty threats – he was mentally sick. It’s sad.) I wasted a lot of years there too. Almost a decade. After that I had a pretty nice calm easy relationship but he just wasn’t mature or ready to take things to an adult level despite me being in my 30s and he in his 40s. I ended that one – first – and only time I’ve had to break up with someone. It was hard. After that I pursued a lot of people but nothing came of it, either disinterest on my side or theirs. Until I met my fiance soon to be husband. Now I’ve gained enough experiences in this life to know how to be happy alone. He goes out active in sports or active with friends and coworkers and I’m fine because he shows me love and respect and I trust him 100%. But in the next life will I be reborn and go through these same struggles again? Time will tell.

The 25 page report talks about compulsive desires. I have a bit of a compulsive desire for spending in this life. I have expensive hobbies. Video Games, Dolls, Electronics, etc.

The report talks about how I become overwhelmed by too much Stimuli. That’s true in this life. I have never been tested but I truly believe I have Aspergers or ADHD or something similar. I can freak out and I did one time at work when in a crowded convention center and we sell these alarm products and it was so loud and I couldn’t get it to turn off during a demonstration and I just cried. – That was the last trade show I went to – because obviously, that’s not good.

It also talks about how I don’t like keeping details in order and my attention span wanes. This is true. I’m a big picture girl. I have a lot of ideas. But not a lot of stamina to focus and finish most of those ideas. This sometimes can be troubling at work – especially in roles I play in my career where being detail-oriented is a must.

It says also that I need not be so critical of myself or others. I have always been hard on myself. As long as I can remember. To the point of not liking myself – maybe even hating myself – at times – mostly when I was younger. It says I need to watch for negative thinking – I feel like I’ve improved but even my fiance comments sometimes that I’m like my grandma and negative. I don’t see it – but then he points out how I fear the worst. Like when we traveled to Peru and I was worried about getting sick or robbed or kidnapped or whatever – but in fact – nothing like that happened and it was a great trip lol. So I do see that – and I do sometimes feel like if I lost weight if I did this or did that differently. How I talk how I act – etc I am overly critical.

The 25 page report speaks about how I look for lovers with a plan for their own ambitions and hard working – well this is true. The one and only relationship I ever ended was exactly because of this. He was 40, living with his parents, didn’t drive, and worked only part time minimum wage – despite having multiple degrees and being very intelligent. He just lacked ambition. I was tired of playing house. I wanted to move to the next step and it was impossible. I got sick (physically) and had surgery and that was the last straw for me, not being able to have my partner there for me – Ironically, I’ve been through 2 surgeries with my now fiance – and some other big health challenges (I had a grand mal seizure and diagnosed with Epilepsy last year) and he’s been there for me like a champ. He works 2 sometimes 3 jobs. He’s forward moving in his career. For me, it’s not about money – I dunno how much he makes, we don’t share accounts, and we take turns paying for everything, dinners, dates, movies, etc. We split the mortgage and other bills, and I would never be with someone for money – but I want to see someone work hard and have a plan for their lives and not be just drifting along aimlessly wasting their lives. When I’d ask my ex what the plan was he’d tell me “have faith it’ll all workout” No – that’s not realistic. That’s not logical – that’s not how life works. You don’t just sit back and wait and things magically happen. You have to go out and make things happen. So yes, I definitely need a partner who has a plan and makes strides towards their goals and ambitions.

The same report says when it came to criticism in my own workplace I tend to be over sensitive. This is 100% true. I have cried – hyperventilating even at work before – I freak out. I have ever since my very first job in my 20s. I honestly think it’s tied to my perceived Aspergers or ADHD but could just be my lack of confidence or emotional nature in general.

It mentions I over indulged in past lives in eating and sleeping – and that’s true in this life. It says I used it as a way to cope with problems – true in this life too. Anytime I feel sad, angry, upset… I have caught myself saying “I’m hungry” sometimes aloud even! I’ve even done it while eating or walking out of a restaurant and KNOWING I’m not hungry – it’s my comfort. I also like sleep. I like lying in bed doing nothing. I think it’s my greatest joy in life LOL. I don’t know why. Maybe because then my mind is calm and at peace and the negative thinking stops.

The report talks about how I took initiative meeting others – and yes, largely true – in this life I am grateful I have the internet. Every person I’ve met has been online. I met every one of my lovers that way, and dozens of platonic friends. I struck up conversations pretty easily online. I started my own clubs several times (had to move and restart 3 times now) With the first in California, one in Ohio, and 2 in PA. I reach out, I organize, and I am the initiator.

It seems odd because I’m so shy I could never even say hi to someone – and there’s been a few times I’ve run the other way when people have tried to strike up conversations with me.

But the internet gives me comfort – and then when I meet the people – even if I’m still shy at least there’s some sense of knowing the person. And in the case of my clubs, I prefer to be the host. It makes me have an “excuse” to talk to people. That’s what the host has to do. So I don’t feel weird or awkward – too much.

It again warns in several places that I can be pushy when it comes to relationships, but that some people liked my fast paced lifestyle lol. They also said if I’m single for too long I feel like I’m missing out on life – which is true.

Again all this person knew was name and birthdate.

The report says my Karmic shadow is fear of not being loved or of not being worthy of feeling loved which results in looking for too much within relationships – again 100% true and accurate and correct.

Direct Quote:

“When you were less compulsive about having to be in a relationship, this is sometimes when you actually found a soul mate.” – This actually happened to me – remember my story about the lantern – and letting go. Next day, met my soon to be husband.

It does talk about career at great lengths too. Here’s another quote:

“In some incarnations, you were quite the poet, artist, entertainer, or mystic.”

Corroborating with other psychics who have said I was a dancer, artist, seamstress, writer, medicine woman, monk, etc (Those last two could be “mystic”)

This last report was by a computer but corroborated the other psychics’ intuitive instincts… How do you explain that?

Many of them corroborated my own experiences in this current life or unusual dreams which I believe to be past life dreams.

Some day I want to do a regression – but a $5 – $15 Etsy reading is more affordable than a $300 regression. I have about 3 more readings that I’m still waiting on.

Whether real or not, the concept is interesting and stimulating to me – I definitely believe in past lives – but we can never know until we ourselves pass on, and then we can’t tell anyone else lol.

Are Past Lives Real? was originally published on

Disney World New Genie+ Lightning Lane Passes – Why I Like Them.

Disney announced yesterday the new system that will replace Fast Passes at Disney World in Orlando Florida. This new system is known as Genie+ and Lightning Lane. This new optional additional feature allows you to use the fast pass lanes – renaming them to lightning lanes it appears – for most – but not all – rides for $15 per person per day. Here we go again – anytime Disney World changes pricing, the people of the internet lose their actual minds. People are going crazy and highly upset and offended by this change. Although when Disney took away fast passes last summer due to the Pandemic, people were wanting to pay to see them return – You people are never happy. How dare a BUSINESS want to make money?!! The nerve of those people! Right?

Ok so, the main focus of this post – and countless others on the internet, is on the Lightning Lanes – but there’s also another neat feature that you can personalize your trip experience so you don’t miss anything at the parks and make the most of each day. It uses your preferences, whether it be Turkey Legs or Princesses or Peter Pan to continuously guide you to what to see, do, or eat next. Pretty neat. SUPER useful for people like me, who don’t go all the time. It’s been 25 years since my last trip and I don’t want to miss a thing! Here’s a video on how that all works:

Disney Genie Service – Digital Overview | Walt Disney World & Disneyland Resort

Coming this fall to Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort, Disney Genie is a complimentary and convenient new digital service designed to create you…


I see people saying “CRAZY PRICES” Meanwhile, Universal is $89 per person per day and Canada’s Wonderland is $99 per person per day. – So where they get this “CRAZY PRICES” thing is beyond me! LOL.

People are whining about how they don’t get their precious beloved free fast passes for staying on Disney Property – News Flash – You only got like a small handful of fastpass a day for free – and NO option to buy more. NOW – with the exception of maybe 2-3 rides per park – you can fastpass your way through all the rides all day. Instead of (I think it was 3 fastpasses per day.) People are mad it’s not ALL rides – well NEWSFLASH – the old fastpass system wasn’t ALL rides either – yes you could probably pick some of the now blacklisted rides – but if you could only fastpass 3 per day – you’d still end up waiting LONGER overall – because now you can fastpass almost everything. With a few exceptions – that you have to buy a different kind of ticket for if you want to fastpass. And you aren’t on a rigid time/day schedule anymore. You just pick your rides on the spur of the moment now. Pick one ride, ride it, pick another, and on and on. Magic. But if you still miss your free fastpasses and picking everything 60 days in advance and being on a timed schedule – maybe Disney – or Fastpass or Disney Resorts aren’t for you!

So don’t stay on Disney Property – after January there’s LITERALLY no reason to!! Magic Express is ending in January – which is a shitty move by Disney – WTF are people supposed to do? I understand yes, Disney is a business, and bus drivers, and gas, and maintenance on a fleet of busses is expensive I bet – but this is a major dick move. You’re stuck having to rent a car (or uber/lyft) – I’ve seen on the news car rental prices are crazy now. And I’ve heard some horror stories about uber and lyft. Didn’t your momma tell you don’t get into the car with strangers? Sheesh… Plus now you’re paying for parking too if you rent a car – HERE I can see how Disney is Greedy. Here yes… but paid fast passes – no. Every other major theme park is doing this.

Disney resorts don’t even offer free breakfast – not even continental.

With no fast passes, no magic express, and no free breakfast (they never did offer breakfast), and no dining plan (at least for the foreseeable future), there is no reason at all to stay on disney property – so don’t!

I’m going in October before Magic Express goes the way of the Dodo. So I definitely see that as a huge perk to staying on Disney property. Other people like to pay to be in the “Disney Bubble” but that’s just hooey to me and means nothing.

Ok so back to this Genie+ Lightning Lanes thing…

No date has been announced yet. I chatted with an operator about if I could add it to my upcoming trip and they told me that no date has been announced but that it will be available this fall (2021). Since my trip is in October, I assume I will be able to add Genie+ Lightning passes to my travel plans.

Now I’m only staying eight days in a party of 2 adults. Myself and my soon to be husband (who will be my husband by time we arrive at Disney World). So $15 x 2 = $30 a day x 8 = $240. When I’m already spending $4,000 do I really give a darn about an extra $240? Not really. It’ll be worth it to enhance my experience – less waiting – more riding.

I’ve only gone to Disney World one time – 25 years ago. This will only be my 2nd time – and possibly last time in my life. So what’s $240 at the end of the day? Like literally nothing.

People spend $15 a day on Starbucks or Mcdonalds or insert other guilty pleasure here. Every day on their morning commute, on lunches, on whatever.

Let’s say your trip is 6 months away, and let’s say you get your favorite guilty pleasure (food, drink whatever) 3 times a week – you have 24 weeks to start saving. If you cut it out completely $15 x 3 days x 24 weeks = $1,080…. That’s over $1,000 you can save before your trip just by giving up a cup of coffee or a bagel every day. (Not even every day, we’re being conservative and saying you only treat yourself 3 times a week, but I bet there are people that need their coffee EVERY day – think of the money THOSE people could save).

Let’s say you absolutely can’t go all day without coffee – buy yourself a heated thermos and make it at home – or wait until you’re in the office and use their coffee pot or kurig right?

This is just ONE example…. There’s so many things people spend money on frivilously!

Cut out Netflix or Hulu for 6 months – 6 x $15 a month = 6 people’s fast passes (for at least a day)

In my case, my obsession is video games. I buy let’s say 3 video games a month. $150 (conservative estimate) a month. – If I go one month without buying any video games – there’s $150 or 10 fast passes.

There’s ALWAYS ways to save money.

Yes I understand you’re a special little entitled snowflake who feels that because you’re spending $5,000 on a vacation, they should give you everything for free. I want stuff to be free and handed to me too – who the hell doesn’t want that?! But that’s not reality. Again NEWSFLASH – Disney World is a BUSINESS. Disney World Likes Money – Like Most Businesses do. Disney saw a desire and need and demand for fast passes to return – Disney invented a new marketing gimmick to fill that need. Supply and Demand – come on people – Business basics right here.

This is a special PERK – not a REQUIREMENT – you can still go to Disney World without this and ride everything – you just have to be up earlier and in line longer – This just makes it MORE CONVENIENT – that’s ALL.

For me, I do not go to Disney every year like a lot of you EXTRA SPECIAL snowflakes.

I’ve only been once in my whole life – 25 years ago – and I didn’t pay for it then.

Now as an adult – this is my first – and possibly only – time paying for my own trip to Disney World.

Am I going to get Genie+ and Lightning Lane – YOU BETCHA!!! I can go without Starbucks or Mcdonalds or Video Games – or whatever other little luxury purchases.

I know I don’t have children…. but let’s look at those numbers….

Let’s say the average family going to Disney World has 2 adults and 3 Children. That’s 5 people. 5 X $15 = $75 a day. Let’s say most people stay 5 days in Disney World – It’ll cost you $375 for Genie+ and Lightning Lane for the entire family for the whole stay.

Remember how I told you, you can save $1,000+ by giving up guilty pleasures like Starbucks and Mcdonalds

Or Remember how I told you Universal and Wonderland are $89 and $99 per person per day (and most people day 2-3 days at those parks too) — You can see where I’m going with this….

There’s your fastpass money – right there.

Other businesses are doing it – people are paying more – for less – with little to no complaints

Supply and Demand.

Sorry snowflake. Life isn’t fair. You might have to just be a good little snowflake and wait in line with all the other equally special snowflakes. If you really can’t afford to go – then don’t go – or go and skip the Genie+ Lightning Lanes business all together.

Nothing is free. This is a fact of life. Even free things have strings attached remember that.

Disney World New Genie+ Lightning Lane Passes – Why I Like Them. was originally published on

Everything You Need To Know About Gaming Addiction

In recent years due to the rapid development of the gaming industry video game addiction has been on the rise. This, accompanied by many being stuck inside and isolated as a result of the pandemic more people than ever are at risk of developing it. Major health organizations such as the World Health Organization has recognized it as an official mental health disorder. If you think that you or anyone you know is at risk of developing video game addiction then please read on.

What Is Video Game Addiction?

Video game addiction is a behavioral addiction. This means that the individual is not addicted to any physical substance but rather the way they feel after completing a certain task or activity. Behavioral addictions are classified as behaviors that we carry out excessively despite the negative effects it is having on our physical or mental wellbeing. In the instance of gaming addiction, we are talking about playing video games to the point where areas of our life start to take a decline. We’ll go more in-depth on this later. 

Video game addiction can affect almost anyone. The most affected demographic according to The Mindful Gamer, a video game treatment and therapy app tend to be males between the ages of 18-24. Some studies suggest that men are biologically predisposed to being more susceptible to addictive video game features and reward-seeking behavior.

Causes Of Video Game Addiction

Most behavioral addictions are caused by an amalgamation of biological and environmental factors, gaming addiction is no exception. Here are some of the main causes of video game addiction to be aware of. 

Dopamine desensitization – Dopamine is a neurochemical produced by our brains responsible for mood regulation, sleep patterns, concentration and self-control. With this in mind, it’s clear to see that disrupting its function can lead to many negative consequences. When we play video games our brain releases dopamine in large quantities and we feel great. We get a sense of accomplishment that can be replicated over and over again whenever we want. However, after a long time, the receptors in our brain begin to become less sensitive to the high levels of dopamine, meaning we have to play more video games to release more dopamine and get the same level of satisfaction we used to.

Escapism – Many gamers play to get away from stresses and negative emotions present in the real world. Video games have been proven to suppress negative emotions such as pain, fear and anxiety. They calm down the center of your brain called the amygdala responsible for all of these emotions. As a short term solution for a bad day, this might be okay, but excessive use of video games to run from our deeper-rooted problems can exacerbate a video game addiction. 

When people run from their negative emotions they can be very overwhelming when they have to engage with them, hence individuals often turn to the behavior that liberates them most from this, hence they play more video games. A large portion of treatment of video game addiction revolves around finding healthier ways to deal with negative emotions and cravings. This, we will discuss later on.

Instant Gratification – As many of you might understand, playing video games makes us feel good for succeeding. Every time you beat that final boss or receive new items for levelling up the game is conditioning us to invest time into the game for a reward. Although not done with malicious intentions rewarding the player to keep them on board does have detrimental effects on our mental wellbeing. 

Human beings are wired to feel good when we overcome adversity and challenges, it is what allowed us to develop so far as a species and is also the reason why we revere and praise people who have great achievements or completed difficult tasks in society. 

Video games do an excellent job of tapping into our need for reward by creating challenges that walk the fine line of being difficult to accomplish but just easy enough to keep the user playing. The rush we get from doing well in gaming skews our perception of success. It confuses our motivation for long term goals and aspirations with quick fixes we can get from video games. This explains why a common symptom of those addicted to video games is trouble with concentration and motivation towards life goals outside of gaming.

Signs and Symptoms to Look Out For 

Now that we know some of the main causes of video games to be aware of, we should take a look at some of the red flags in our behavior that might indicate video game addiction.

Loss of Interest In Other Hobbies – Playing video games is a unique activity that provides numerous forms of stimulation. It is a social activity that allows us to connect with people online, it gives a sense of measurable growth and achievement and finally, it can be used as a way to relax and unwind from a stressful day. This is one of the main reasons other hobbies don’t satisfy us as much as gaming. 

Although other activities may be more productive and beneficial the high stimulation and rewards from gaming take precedence. The aforementioned desensitization to dopamine has a part to play here as our brains make a link that the only way to achieve this high level of dopamine release is to play more video games. Hence everything else seems mundane to the addicted brain.

Obsessive Thinking About Video Games  – If you ever find yourself struggling to concentrate at school or in the workplace due to fantasizing about your last gaming session then we may be dealing with a video game addiction. It is common for gaming addicts to anticipate and look forward to the next time they can play, taking away from their productivity and focus at work. This same behavior has been observed in other models of addiction explaining that we can be so conditioned to enjoy gaming that the thought of it alone is enough to stimulate a similar sense of excitation in the brain that playing would. 

The WHO explains that diagnosis of video game addiction is dependent on a pattern of behaviors leading to impairment across many different areas of life such as personal, family, social relationships, education and occupation. Hence symptoms such as obsessive thinking about video games fall under this category.

Lying to conceal gaming habits – Addiction comes with a great deal of guilt and shame so it is not uncommon for individuals to want to hide their addiction. Gaming addicts can be embarrassed about their inability to control their compulsion to play video games causing them to lie to loved ones or those willing to help. 

The first step in overcoming this is to acknowledge that video game addiction is a very real addiction that affects many people around the world. Also, recovery from addiction can be a lonely journey so telling those who you confide in is a great way to build a support system. Research has shown that those recovering from addiction with support groups show a significant decrease in rate of relapse. It also explains why group therapy is such a popular form of treatment for many different addictions.

Social Isolation and Damage to Relationships – Often when someone is addicted to video games they spend the vast majority of their time connected with their online friends. Most gamers congregate over communication apps such as discord to interact, play games and build a community. The anonymity and freedom of it all can be appealing to those who are particularly shy or suffer from social anxiety. 

For those addicted this often leads to neglecting important real-life friends which can be especially problematic in children and adolescents. Neglecting real-life socialization can lead to poor communication skills which are essential for forming deeper connections with others. Those who allow their online friends to become their only friends can struggle with this, ultimately leading to a sense of loneliness, exacerbating their need for interaction through video games.

Treatments of Video Game Addiction 

As daunting as video game addiction might seem there are numerous treatment options available out there. Here we would like to share with you some of the most effective methods of therapy.

Detoxification – This is the process of cutting our video games and all gaming related content for a 90 day period. The brain after being exposed to these high levels of dopamine for so long needs time to make a recovery. Our bodies are amazing at this and so in time, you will make a full recovery. However, it is important not to stimulate our brains with video games, twitch streams and other gaming content as this will also act as a trigger for wanting to play them again. 

This will be a difficult journey but one very worthwhile. As we mentioned before to help this process we recommend building a support network of people around you, you trust. Friends, family, colleagues or classmates. Anyone that you can talk to when you’re struggling and who can hold you accountable for your actions. 

The vast majority of video game addicts cannot remember what life was like without video games so this also allows the opportunity to develop a new perspective on life and find new passions we otherwise would have been blind to.

One method to make detoxing easier is to increase the barrier for entry to play video games. By hiding our console, locking, deleting games and applications we make it more difficult to play on a whim. The concept of undoing these things before playing should hopefully give us some time to rationalize and remember our goal of overcoming gaming addiction. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT is one of the main forms of treatment for video game addiction and essentially focuses on retraining our thoughts and how we respond to them. CBT practices will help take power away from our cravings and urges to play video games helping us to operate however we want during the day unphased by what used to be addictive thoughts. 

One effective method we recommend is making a trigger journal. This is a diary where we will write down every time we feel like playing video games. In this entry we should include: when we wanted to play, what made us want to play ie an advert or message from a friend. And finally how it made us feel, upset or excited etc. By putting these thoughts down on paper we begin to detach ourselves from them. When we see what was once a powerful craving as simply words on a page we can begin to rationalize and make healthier decisions. 

Mindfulness – Mindfulness is incorporated into all modern courses of CBT so it is essential to have some mindfulness practices that work for you. The goal of mindfulness is to become unconditionally aware of your body and the sensations you are experiencing without judgement. This might sound difficult but you’ll realize it’s easier than you think once you get started. 

Mindfulness is practiced through meditations that can be either guided or done by yourself. Many find the Mindful breathing exercise to be very useful. This technique helps us focus on our breath and the sensation of breathing in order to ground us and bring us into the present moment. This will help us to allow negative emotions and cravings to pass without judgement. 

Mindful Breathing Meditation:

  • Find a quiet place, free from any distractions. Sit comfortably in the upright position. We recommend that you are in the seated position and not lying down as you will not be able to do this everywhere. However, if you have injuries preventing you from doing this, then you may lie down for this exercise. Sit comfortably with your feet firmly on the ground. Keeping your spine erect.
  • Focus on a point in the room or lightly close your eyes to remove any distractions. Feel free to try both, see how they are different and use the one you prefer.
  • Turn your attention to your breath. Breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale and exhale. Watching your breath, noticing it, feeling it but not so much thinking about it. Simply observing it. Notice the air moving into your nostrils. Following it all the way in, and all the way out. Notice how it’s slightly colder as it comes in and warmer as it moves out. Notice the slow rise and fall of your chest and stomach as you breathe. Notice the subtle rise and fall of your shoulders. Simply notice it. Focus on one of these points, the air moving into your nostrils, the rise and fall of your stomach, your chest or your shoulders.
  • You will quickly find that your mind starts to wonder; this is completely normal and inevitable. When you notice your mind has wandered, simply, gently, and non-judgmentally return to observing your breath.

Video game addiction can sometimes mask many underlying mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. Always seek the help of a healthcare professional if you have reason to believe you might be suffering from any of these disorders. If you or anyone you know are suffering from video game addiction then get them the help they deserve.

Everything You Need To Know About Gaming Addiction was originally published on

What Are Private Cheats And How Do They Work?

Video games are very popular, especially now. A lot of gamers want to make their gaming life easier that’s why they sort to cheating. Cheating in video games has been around for as long as video games have existed. The temptation to cheat follows the rapid development of the game. Snowball’s ability and increase of equipment in it creates a chance for people to gain an advantage. 

This can cause many companies to lose money if they don’t stop them. Players have been willing to way and beyond when it comes to actually finish and winning. They would break the rules to get what they want.

In the beginning, when video games appeared, one of the first-ever cheat codes was put in the game by the person who made it. This was done solely with the purpose of the developer trying to test the game’s ability to react and see its features. Many times the cheat codes left in the game held personal meaning for the developers. If you want to know more about the history of video games, follow the link

But, the developers were not the only ones who tried to use cheat codes. The more games developers made, the more ways players tried to find to hack them. Many times, by hacking the game, the players would actually cause damage to the same. And with the number of people playing increasing every year, the developers try to stop the hackers from ruining the fun for people who like to play the game like it is.

So, what the developers did, was in the last few years, actually include cheat codes in the game as Easter Eggs. This way, it can be accessible to more players and can become fun instead of other hacker ruining it for them.

Now, instead of losing money from it, they found a way to actually make a profit from it. They have discovered that players would pay for them. 

How has cheating in games progressed, and is it legal?

It’s no surprise that with the popularity of video games continuously growing, people would not try to cheat on them and explore them more.

As the technology keeps improving year by year, its design became easier and how you can play it became very simple. But, in the starting days of gaming, hacking and tricking the game was probably something that was very hard to do.

In the beginning, the interaction between the games and the players was less reactive. Players couldn’t finish the game quickly, and so developers tried to program instructions in it. Every player that knew a cheat code and put it in the game could go to the next level.

After many years, when games became more complicated, and new technology was put into them, accessing a game with a code from the developers happened very rarely. Now, other people were trying to make cheat codes and put them in a game. 

These codes were unauthorized and were something that no developer published anything about. They are different from the codes from the developers, meaning that when an unauthorized code was put into a game, that could cause problems in the game itself. Even though they were not the safest thing to use, they were safe in the way of players getting themselves up in the game with their help.

Now when players have the experience of using these codes, they started to implement them in online games as well. This way, when the video games went from a single player to a multiplayer, they could gain any advantage over the players that were against them.

 What helped them in this were third-party websites. These websites use software that can get around any anti-cheat software. The only problem with this is the fact that if you get caught, your account can be banned. Check this page out.

Private cheats

Cheats have been made for users to put in their games, but not all cheats are public for various reasons. This is because by having some cheats private, you’re keeping your chance of getting detected very low. Also, when a cheat code is private, it makes it more famous. 

We know that creating codes outside the game is against the user agreement in it. Because of this, creating cheats and distributing them is against the law. The more that someone makes cheats, the more they’re involving in malware.

These cheats can go undetected very often, but most of the time, they cause problems for the company that makes the game. It can be easily seen when a player, instead of playing and going up steadily in it, puts a private cheat code, and you can do this in a second. Because of that, you won’t need to buy the game or subscribe to It, which costs the company money.

Many games have systems in them, known as the anti-cheat systems. They are made to detect any code that is put in the game without permission. That’s why it’s crucial to find the safest ways to use a cheat code if you want.

Some cheat codes can be made to be a piece of secret information or a word in the game, such as an ax, and then whatever you intended to do or have will be done. Some of them can contain malware and can cause weird and unusual things to happen in the game.


As much as companies try to make the most advanced games, hackers try to create and input cheat codes as much. Public or private, it doesn’t matter. People can still put codes and can be undetectable. Anti-cheat software has been produced, but nothing is perfect, and it cannot detect every single one of them. 

As much as companies try to solve this problem, cheating in games won’t probably go away in a long time. Every player would want to be on top of the other. The competition is something that keeps them going, and they’re going to try to find the best cheat code possible.

What Are Private Cheats And How Do They Work? was originally published on Geeky Sweetie

How To Play Angelique Or Any Other Japanese Otome Game In English

I recently started playing Angelique Luminarise in English. The game was just released in May of 2021 in the Japanese Nintendo Eshop. It is not available in English. Not commercially – and not fan translated either. So how am I playing it in English?

Well it ain’t pretty, and it ain’t perfect but here’s how. Pretty simple really. The main thing you need is a smartphone with the free Google Translate app. I like to download the Japanese language pack for offline viewing too – but you don’t have to.

The other thing you’re going to need is to create a Japanese Nintendo Eshop account. This process is easy.

  • Go to
  • Enter your information
  • Select Japan as the country
  • Enter or create a new email address different from your existing nintendo email address
  • If it asks for a street address, you can use Tokyo University (just google the address) (this also works when creating Japanese Itune accounts)
  • Now on your nintendo switch create a new user account and link it to the new account you just created.
  • If any of the menus or text on screen is in Japanese, now you can get your phone and use live translation to convert it to your native language (which for me is English)
  • When you want to purchase games in the Eshop you will need a Japanese Nintendo Eshop Giftcard – I buy mine at Playasia and recommend them. I’ve bought probably over $500 in Japanese Egift codes from them and never have had a problem.

I would just use Paypal but Nintendo refuses paypals from my country (USA)

So I buy my giftcards at Playasia.

You can enter the giftcards into the Switch OR you can access the Nintendo Japanese eshop at and add your balances or buy your games even this way. I find this easier – since with Google Chrome it automatically translates my screen without me needing to fumble around with my phone.

Even if you buy the games on the computer, you can install them remotely from your computer to your Nintendo Switch.

Very easy to buy Japanese games this way.

Now that you have the Japanese game you want to play, the awkward part may be trying to work two devices. I prop my Switch Lite up a bit – Switch users can use the kickstand, or play off their TV. I keep my Switch Lite in my lap, and in one hand I hold my phone with Google Translate running automatically.

Now in the case of Angelique you will want to go into settings and turn off the automatically advancing text option – use your phone to find it – It is on by default – and Google Translate is not fast enough to translate the screen before the text changes. Once you turn it off, you will have to press A to advance the text. It’s tedious but much better translation this way.

In my screen it says “Automatic Feed” TURN IT OFF!!!!!!! OFFFFFFF!! – You can thank me later lol.

Some scenes will still be “lost in translation” – not only because it’s machine translated and not 100% perfect – but because also some scenes are video and voice without text etc.

But nonetheless – this lets you play Angelique – and virtually any other game you can think of – in about 95% decent English.

The translation is pretty decent most of the time.

The funniest thing I saw was when playing Monster Rancher – the trainer introduces herself by saying “Hi, I’m Horrifying” instead of “Hi, I’m Holly”. After a few seconds google translate corrected itself – but it still made for a funny screenshot.

But no, in Angelique, from what I’ve seen with my brief like 15-minute journey into the game before work this morning, the translation is decent. I get the main gist of the intro story.

It starts out with a girl (that’s you) being soundly asleep and woken by a loud very rude kinda pompous and demanding character. He accuses you of being rude for not greeting him properly but says since you’re new he will forgive your rudeness. He introduces himself as the God of Light and one of 9 Gods in this universe and that he has taken you as a queen candidate from another world.

You meet a girl who arrived one day before you who is also another queen candidate and you meet a butler – who is also a God who gives you some paperwork to file. You enter your name, horoscope, blood type and answer a personality quiz.

After this, you’re taken to see the God of light again who explains the test you are about to face. You and your rival will be developing a nation using the powers of the gods, and whosever nation is more developed at the end will be elected as the new queen.

All of the screenshots that you see in this post were taken by me as I was playing Angelique Luminarise for Nintendo Switch. These are not edited in any way. Except for my featured image – the text is all correct – I just cropped it to fit as a featured image – and it was too funny and too appropriate not to use! “What the hell are these people saying? I have no idea” is exactly what I would be saying if I didn’t have my smartphone translating everything lol. So yes, that is what the character is saying in that scene, and every other image here. This is how it appears on my smartphone, replacing the text on the screen with English.

You don’t need to take photos – It does it real time. I just took a bunch of photos to illustrate on my blog here. I mean it’s not awful for machine translation. I have seen worse! And it’s better than being in Japanese – I have tried to learn before but it’s hard when it’s not just another language but a different alphabet – in fact… three different alphabets all of which can be used interchangably and like wtf… lol. Google you’re doing a good job. Keep being a bro.

It can be tricky especially if there is a glare or trying to get things at just the right distance or angle to translate properly. But it does in fact work, with a little finessing and fanangling.

What games will you be playing in English now?

I’m still most looking forward to Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 4th Heart this October and Air I think in September – but for now, Angelique will keep me busy.

Japanese games are expensive I feel like… I feel like I’m spending $70-80 for one game – where in USA I’m used to spending about $50-60 – But still worth it. Because most of these games will never come out in English.

Angelique has been around for 25 years. Angelique Luminarise is part of a 25th birthday celebration. But we have never received a single Angelique game in English.

Another game series I treasure is Idol M@ster. I think there are ways – probably with android more so than IOS – to automatically translate the text on the phone screen while playing games – I do know there’s a new (or remastered) Idol M@ster coming out soon – or recently released for PC and PS4 – but I am happy with my many different Idol M@ster games on my phone. I haven’t figured out a good way to translate the phone app simultaneously as google translate and the game are running. I imagine there’s apps for that on android – or people are using bluestacks. I just do it the tedious way by taking a screenshot, translating it in the app, and repeat forever.

It’s different now on the Switch or other device because I can LIVE translate, so I don’t have to take screenshots or exit and re-enter the game. I can do everything on the fly.

Plus if I’m being honest….

I skip almost all the dialogue in games like Idol M@ster, Love Live, Bang Dream Girls, UtaPri, Ensemble Stars, etc…. Even when English versions are released because it’s not that interesting? LOL….. It’s really not. – I play to collect the cute girls (and cute guys) and enjoy the music… I think maybe it’s the way the text is divided or structured – forcing you to read bits of it to unlock the next scene or song – and wanting the rewards etc. I just skip all that shit – am I the only one? And I love story driven games – but damn, I just feel like all those mobile apps, the story slows down my gameplay and I just want to play and not be bogged down. Maybe because it’s slice of life? But that’s my preferred genre when reading manga or watching anime – I dunno what it is – but really – I’m not missing much by Idol M@ster not being in English – I’d be happy just with an English menu patch/release really. Good enough for me lol.

Other games like Angelique or Tokimeki Memorial or Air or Kannon etc where the story is actually interesting and good – I’ll use my smartphone to be able to enjoy the story – even though it’s inconvenient.

I already know I’ll buy Air and Tokimeki Memorial.

I’m thinking of buying Memories Off Historia 1 and 2 (a total of about 7 or 8 games there).

Plus lots of other Japanese games.

It’s awkward and cumbersome – but yes – for the most part “This will do”.

How To Play Angelique Or Any Other Japanese Otome Game In English was originally published on

The Best Nintendo Switch Games For Girls 2021

2021 is more than halfway over. Here’s what I have been playing (new releases) and what I’m looking forward to releasing for Nintendo Switch this year. They’re not in any particular order. The first one is my favorite, the next 20 are in reverse chronological order (newer games or unreleased games first) – After that, who knows lol. There’s of course many more great games that I just couldn’t cover all of them here. Nintendo Switch is truly the best console for gamer girls.

1.) Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 4th Heart

Without a doubt, The game I’m most looking forward to is Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 4th Heart. It won’t be in English sadly – but you can always hold your phone up to your screen and use Google Translate – that’s what I plan on doing. I already have a Japanese Nintendo Switch account and already play a few Japanese games this way. The translation isn’t perfect since it’s machine translated but if it’s the only way to play Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 4th Heart, then I’ll do what I have to do. It’s inconvenient of course to hold the phone and work 2 devices, but small price to play for my hands down favorite gaming series.

ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 4th Heart ダウンロード版

学園恋愛シミュレーションゲーム、ときめきメモリアルシリーズの新作がNintendo Switchに登場。あなただけのときめき生活がはじまるー。 はばたき学園に入学したあなたを待っているのは、勉強、部活、アルバイト……数えきれない可能性に満ちた高校生活。 なりたい自分をイメージしてコマンドを実行。何をして誰と出会うかはあなたの行動次第! 53,000‬‬ワード、49時間もの膨大なキャラクターボイスであなたの物語が紡ぎ出されます。 出会いを重ねて気の合う仲間が集まれば、特別な学園生活があなたを待っています。4人でランチをしたり、デートに出掛けたり……賑やかで楽しい高校生活を送るのも、誰かひとりに寄り添うのも、全てがあなたの選択。ふたりの関係が深まれば男の子の本音が聞けることも。 キャラクターボイスには豪華声優陣を起用風真 玲太 (CV.梶 裕貴)颯砂 希 (CV.佐藤 拓也)本多 行 (CV.服部 想之介)七ツ森 実 (CV.阿座上 洋平)柊 夜ノ介 (CV.福山 潤)氷室 一紀 (CV.田邊 幸輔)御影 小次郎 (CV.吉野 裕行)白羽 大地 (CV.植木 慎英)花椿 みちる(CV.國府田 マリ子)花椿 ひかる(CV.高野 麻里佳) また、タイトルから「わたしのこと♡」を選ぶとたくさんのお楽しみ要素が用意されています。その中のひとつ、「プロフィール帳」にはあなたの思い出が記されています。好きな男の子から好きな学食メニューまで、カスタマイズしてお友達に見せることもできます。秘密の情報も隠されているかもしれません。 シリーズ最大ボリュームのドキドキ体験があなたを待っています。 本体にダウンロードした商品をインストールするために、記載している容量より多くの空き容量が必要になる場合や、記載しているよりも少ない空き容量のみが必要になる場合があります。 容量が足りない場合は、必要のないソフトを整理するか、十分な空き容量があるmicroSDカードをお使いください。 本ソフトは以下の機能に対応しています。- タッチスクリーン この商品は予約商品です。予約にあたっては、以下の「予約について」が適用されます。 購入を確定すると決済がおこなわれます。購入後のキャンセルや返金はできません。


2.) Pokemon Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Overhauled with new graphics and available as a 2pack digital or physical game. I will probably only purchase one of the games myself. Pokemon Diamond was one of the best Pokemon games. So I’m looking forward to this remake.

Pokémon™ Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon™ Shining Pearl Double Pack for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available November 19, 2021 A double pack containing the Pokémon™ Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon™ Shining Pearl games will be available for purchase as a packaged version or as a digital downloadable version.


3.) WitchSpring 3 [Re:Fine]

I have never played the other 2 games – or even heard of this series until now. However, it looks very fun. You choose if you want to be good or evil and it has cute anime graphics.

WitchSpring3 [Re:Fine] – The Story of Eirudy for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available August 13, 2021 WitchSpring3 Re:Fine – The Story of Eirudy takes you deep into the Misty Forest, where the Witch Eirudy lives secluded from the rest of the world, when one day she meets an adventurous young man named Adrian in the forest, Eirudy’s life changes as she is thrown into the tide that determines the fate of deities and humans.


4.) Mario Party Superstars

Mario Party is one of my favorite Nintendo franchises, so I’m excited to see a compilation of some of the older Mario Party games now releasing for the Switch.

Mario Party™ Superstars for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available October 29, 2021 Calling all Superstars! Mario Party™ is back with 5 classic boards from the Nintendo 64 Mario Party games. Frosting meets flowers as you race to get the most stars (and sabotage your opponents) on the Peach’s Birthday Cake board from the original Mario Party game.


5.) Shin Megami Tensei V

Shin Megami Tensei is the series from which Persona became an “off-shoot”. This child has exceeded the parent now and become far more popular, but I still love Shin Megami Tensei. I don’t think I have ever played this one. I don’t know if it’s new, or possibly a remaster. Either way, I am excited for this game as well.

Shin Megami Tensei V for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available November 12, 2021 The ambitions of god and human clash amidst the horror of a dying world. Neither human nor demon, the newly-forged Nahobino and his friends must decide what is worth saving… and prepare to sacrifice everything in its name. In a world without its Creator, which path will you choose?


6.) Kitaria Fables

Farming and crafting with cute furry bipedal kitties.

Kitaria Fables for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available September 02, 2021 Kitaria Fables is a delightfully cute action adventure RPG with farming and crafting! Armed with a sword, bow and spellbook, fight back against a rising darkness threatening the world. Discover diverse regions in search of relics and resources, tend to your farm to grow your own provisions, and take on quests solo or with a friend in local co-op mode!


7.) Sonic Colors Ultimate

Another remastered Sonic Game – kinda meh – but it’s sonic. I rather see a new game similar to the dreamcast Sonic Adventure series. It’s the best. But I’ll take some more Sonic in my life anyways.

Sonic Colors: Ultimate for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available September 07, 2021 Join Sonic in the high-speed adventure of a lifetime! The evil Dr. Eggman has built a gigantic interstellar amusement park bursting with incredible rides and colorful attractions – but he’s powering it with a captured alien race called “Wisps.”


8.) Olympia Soiree

A new otome game by Aksys

Olympia Soirée for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available September 09, 2021 Restore Light to a Darkened World The last surviving member of her clan, Olympia travels to Tenguu Island to perform a ritual to bring back the sun. The heads of each district lead a society governed by rigid class structures. Able to travel between the districts, Olympia discovers their wonders and weaknesses.


9.) Life Is Strange: True Colors

A new Life is Strange game. I love that series. There’s also a remastered version of the original one.

Life is Strange: True Colors™ for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available September 10, 2021 A bold new era of the award-winning Life is Strange begins, with an all-new playable lead character and a thrilling mystery to solve! Alex Chen has long suppressed her ‘curse’: the supernatural ability to experience, absorb and manipulate the strong emotions of others, which she sees as blazing, colored auras.


Life is Strange Remastered Collection for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Return to Arcadia Bay and experience two award-winning Life is Strange games like never before! Remastered visuals and animation breathe new life into the great cast of characters and gripping stories. The Life is Strange Remastered Collection includes ‘Life is Strange Remastered’ and ‘Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered’.


10.) Astria Ascending

A new handdrawn RPG with a heavy focus on battles and classes and customization.

Astria Ascending for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available September 30, 2021 Experience an epic story with rewarding, turn-based combat and expansive customization rendered in glorious hand-drawn visuals. Explore the vast and beautiful world of Orcanon Visit five different cities populated by unique creatures and solve more than 20 dangerous dungeons.


11.) Fall Guys

I have not played the Switch version. I have it on Playstation and while it’s not my typical type of game, it’s so fun and funny. It’s like a Japanese gameshow like wipeout. It’s an elimination style obstacle course with a few minigames. The playstation one does not have local co-op. If the Switch version had local co-op I’d pick it up again. Super fun and fast easy to get started, difficult to master, type of game.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains! Battle bizarre obstacles, shove through unruly competitors, and overcome the unbending laws of physics as you stumble towards greatness.


12.) Danganronpa – Remastered Games

All of the Danganronpa games are landing on the Nintendo Switch on December 3rd, 2021.

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Anniversary Edition for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available December 03, 2021 A new chapter begins! Danganronpa V3 is coming to Nintendo Switch™ for the first time! Danganronpa 10th Anniversary Release: Part 3! Welcome to a new world of Danganronpa, and prepare yourself for the biggest, most exhilarating episode yet.


Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Anniversary Edition for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available December 03, 2021 Danganronpa arrives on Nintendo Switch™ to celebrate its 10th anniversary! Danganronpa 10th Anniversary Release: Part 1! Hope’s Peak Academy is home to Japan’s best and brightest high school students-the beacons of hope for the future.


Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Anniversary Edition for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available December 03, 2021 Danganronpa 2 is finally available on Nintendo Switch™! Danganronpa 10th Anniversary Release: Part 2! Jabberwock Island – once a popular tourist destination, this now uninhabited island remains oddly pristine. You and your classmates at the elite Hope’s Peak Academy have been brought to this island by your super-cute teacher for a “lovey-dovey, heart-throbbing school trip.”


Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Available December 03, 2021 With an all-star dream lineup of characters from each Danganronpa game, gather Hope Fragments at a tropical resort. Explore Jabberwock Island and develop your Dangan characters. Gather money through battle and upgrade your equipment, then defeat bosses and move on to the next island!


13.) Finding Paradise

I have this on the PC and it’s an excellent game – from the creators of another excellent game called To The Moon. The writing is fantastic and the stories in their games are very emotional.

Finding Paradise for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts have peculiar jobs: They give people another chance to live, all the way from the very beginning… but only in their patients’ heads. Due to the severity of the operation, the new life becomes the last thing the patients remember before drawing their last breath.


14.) Baldo

Looks cute.

Baldo The guardian owls for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

A journey into a magical land full of mysteries to discover. Baldo is an action adventure rpg, full of puzzles and intricate dungeons to solve. Travelling around the world, Baldo will interact with many weird and funny characters scattered everywhere, to complete the main story quest and many other sidequests.


15.) She Dreams Elsewhere

The graphics look like a hot mess, but the concept of the game seems very fun. It claims to be very emotional and have a lot of interaction and choice and consequence.

She Dreams Elsewhere for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

She Dreams Elsewhere is a surreal adventure RPG about dreams and the extent to which they mirror reality. You play as Thalia, an anxiety-ridden, comatose woman on a journey to defeat the nightmares preventing her from awakening, while also finding out how exactly this mess happened in the first place.


16.) The Good Life

Photography game, huh? Similar to Pokemon Snap or Beasts of Maravilla?

The Good Life for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Play as Naomi, a journalist from New York who moves to a backwoods British town called Rainy Woods in order to pay off her massive debt. The only way for her to escape from debt hell is to take pictures of happenings in the town and report on them.


17.) Garden Story

The Nintendo Page has almost no information, but the Steam store page has a lot of videos and info – and this looks cute. I can’t wait.

Garden Story for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Unify a broken community as the newly-appointed Guardian of The Grove. Traverse a vibrant island to combat invasive Rot, inspire its inhabitants, and rebuild your home. You won’t have to do this alone: fruity friends await, ready to lend a hand!


18.) Mineko’s Night Market

Craft, Eat, and Enjoy all the cats – sign me up. – Crafting, Eating, and Cats are 3 of my favorite things lol.

Mineko’s Night Market for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Play as Mineko, a curious girl who has just arrived at her new home on a struggling Japanese-inspired island at the base of Mount Fugu. The superstitious locals on the island worship the Sun Cat, Abe.


19.) Bear and Breakfast

Build and run a bed and breakfast… but you’re a bear.

Bear and Breakfast for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Bear and Breakfast is a laid-back management adventure game where you play as a well-meaning bear trying to run a B+B in the woods. Hank and his friends find an abandoned shack and, equipped with their teenage ingenuity, turn it into a money-making bed and breakfast scheme for unsuspecting tourists.


20.) Rune Factory 5

Rune Factory 5 is not until 2022 – but hopefully it’ll be early 2022 :).

Rune Factory 5 for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Set off on a grand adventure in a fantasy world with the latest entry in the Rune Factory simulation RPG series. After losing their memory, the hero lands in a small town blessed by nature. There, they are recruited into a band of peacekeeping rangers, and their new life begins.


21.) New Pokemon Snap

Take photos of cute Pokemon. I reviewed Pokemon Snap here.

New Pokémon Snap™ for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Seek out and take in-game photographs of Pokémon in their native environments in the New Pokémon Snap™ game, only for the Nintendo Switch™ system! Snap photos from the NEO-ONE as you you encounter and research lively wild Pokémon. You might see unexpected expressions or behaviors-Pokémon patrolling their territory, playing, or lurking in out-of-the-way spots.


22.) You Are Rare In The Snow

It’s Japanese only – but since it’s by Idea Factory – there is a chance we might see an English version eventually.

君は雪間に希う ダウンロード版

僕たちは人の願いで生を受け、人の命令に従い生き長らえている――。 時は享保元年。八代将軍・徳川吉宗が江戸を治めることになった世。 江戸の町では、異形の化け物による事件が多発しており町民は度重なる事件に不安と不満の声を漏らしていた。 そこで徳川幕府は町の治安維持のため密に異形を取り締まる組織「御庭番」を設けた。 それから季節が巡り――享保十一年。 …


23.) Dream House Days DX

This company’s mobile games are always fun and cute. Lately they’ve been porting their mobile games over to Nintendo Switch. This is one of my favorites by this company. All of their games play similar so if you like this one, check out the other Kairosoft games too.

Dream House Days DX for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

The house of your dreams is a dream no more! You play both architect and landlord in this fanciful new sim, and it’s up to you to furnish your ideal abode with anything from arcade games to saunas to convenience stores. Certain combinations can power up your rooms…and their rent.


24.) Sweet Clown – A Funny Clown At 3:00AM

OK I do NOT like Clowns – Nightmare Juice…. But I DO like anime Otome Visual Novel games… Another one that’s Japanese only sadly.

SWEET CLOWN ~午前三時のオカシな道化師~ ダウンロード版

この閉ざされた世界で 毒毒しくも甘い おかしのような悪夢を …


25.) Alba: A Wildlife Adventure

Another sorta Pokemon Snap-esque game

Alba: A Wildlife Adventure for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

From the BAFTA-Award winning studio behind Monument Valley and Assemble with Care comes something entirely new! Join Alba as she visits her grandparents on a Mediterranean island. She is ready for a peaceful summer of wildlife exploration with her friend Ines, but when she sees an animal in danger, she realises she needs to do something about it!


26.) Beasts of Maravilla Island

Another Pokemon Snap Styled Game – Lots of these this year – probably thanks to the New Pokemon Snap game.

Beasts of Maravilla Island for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Beasts of Maravilla Island is a 3D adventure game where you take on the role of a young wildlife photographer who traverses Maravilla Island’s magical ecosystems to discover extraordinary creatures, learn their behaviors, and, most importantly, photograph their majesty!


27.) Fatal Twelve

Beautiful looking visual novel with an intriguing story.

FATAL TWELVE for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

FATAL TWELVE, the highly acclaimed suspense adventure game, is coming to Nintendo Switch™! Watch the thrilling story unfold as twelve unique characters, gathered by the Goddess of Destiny, compete against each other for a chance to undo their untimely demise. Introducing tons of events and CGs exclusive to the console edition!


28.) Maiden Gorgeous

Interesting looking visual novel – again only in Japanese at this time.

戦国†恋姫~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~ ダウンロード版

目を覚ませばそこは戦国乱世。そして、ひとりの少女―― 主人公・新田剣丞は、叔父である北郷一刀の元で修行に励む日々を送っていた。 ある日、蔵で見つけた刀を手にした瞬間、剣丞は意識を失い――――。気がつくと、光輝く刀を握りしめ、見たことのない風景の中に居た。 そこで出会った一人の少女。自らを『織田 三郎 久遠 信長』と名乗った少女は、呆然とする剣丞に手を差し伸べる。 …


29.) Pokemon Unite

A free Pokemon Game for Nintendo Switch

Pokémon UNITE for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Join Trainers from around the world as they head for Aeos Island to compete in Unite Battles! In Unite Battles, Trainers face off in 5-on-5 team battles to see who can score the most points within the allotted time.


30.) Crayon Shin-Chan Summer Vacation

Sadly, only in Japanese – It looks SOOOO cuuuute!!! I want!

クレヨンしんちゃん『オラと博士の夏休み』~おわらない七日間の旅~ パッケージ版

Nintendo Switch 本体でご確認ください この商品は単品での販売はしておりません。この商品が含まれるセット商品をご確認ください …


31.) Lotus Reverie

A visual novel focused on time management.

Lotus Reverie: First Nexus for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Do you like adventure and strategy games?Lotus Reverie is a visual novel focused on time management, following in the footsteps of other games such as Devil Survivor and Persona.


32.) Professor Layton’s Mystery Journey Katrielle and the Millionaire’s Conspiracy DX+

Level5 Announced a new PLUS version of Katrielle and the Millionaire’s Conspiracy. I don’t have a link for it. It’s out in Japan already, and headed over here soon I think. Below is a link to the non PLUS version from about 3 years ago.

LAYTON’S MYSTERY JOURNEY: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy Deluxe Edition for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

“LAYTON’S MYSTERY JOURNEY™: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy” revamped as “Deluxe Edition” with multiple improved features! =====================Enhanced puzzle-solving adventure experience with the Deluxe Edition!===================== ■NEW PUZZLES: This Deluxe Edition includes more than 40 brand-new puzzles and additionally, some refined puzzles from the Nintendo 3DS version.


33.) A Plague Tale: Innocence

A dark story about a war’s impact on 2 children

A Plague Tale: Innocence – Cloud Version for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Follow the critically acclaimed tale of young Amicia and her little brother Hugo, in a heartrending journey through the darkest hours of history. Hunted by Inquisition soldiers and surrounded by unstoppable swarms of rats, Amicia and Hugo will come to know and trust each other.


34.) KiraKira Stars (various versions)

Nintendo has a few versions of this game, each a different story focusing on a different main character. I have not played yet. I believe it to be just a straightforward visual novel or kinetic novel. I do not think it is an idol simulation game sadly. Missed the mark for me there. I rather have Idol M@ster in English :(. I might check these out eventually though. They’re cheap at just $10 each and look cute graphic-wise.

Kirakira stars idol project Ai for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

What if your childhood friend grew up into a gorgeous young lady? What if she asked you to move in with her? What if the two of you joined forces to make her the hottest new pop idol sensation?


Kirakira stars idol project Nagisa for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

“You’re the idol you used to sing to on stage?” After their first live performance, Nobuyuki and Ai have a fateful encounter with the top idol, Nagisa Yukihiro.Six months later.With Miwako’s kindness, Nobuyuki and his friends attend a joint lesson with Uesugi Productions, a long-established entertainment production company.While getting involved with Nagisa through joint lessons, it is decided that an idol festival – DivaFes – will be held, but…


Kirakira stars idol project Reika for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

After experiencing joint lessons with DivaFes and Uesugi Produce.Ai and Nobuyuki have taken another step forward as idol producers. What awaits them at the time when they thought their normal life was about to start again is an encounter with new idols. ‘I’ll take care of you from now on as an idol candidate!


35.) Summer Pockets

This version is Japanese only, but there is an English version on Steam. It is by Key makers of Clannad and Little Busters. Since there already exists an English version, and since Clannad and Little Busters are in English on Switch, I assume we will eventually see Summer Pockets on the Nintendo Switch as well.

Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE ダウンロード版

どんな時も──夏の青さを、覚えていた。名作恋愛アドベンチャー「Summer Pockets」に新ヒロインと新ルートが加わって再登場! 「AIR」「CLANNAD」「リトルバスターズ!」など数々の名作を世に送り出してきたビジュアルアーツのゲームブランド「Key」の手がけた「Summer Pockets」は、2018年にPC用ソフトとして登場し、2019年に発売されたNintendo Switch版と共に好評を博しています。その「Summer Pockets」に新ヒロインや新ルートなどが追加されパワーアップした「Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE」が、待望のNintendo Switchに登場します! なお、従来の「Summer Pockets」をお持ちの方には、有料追加コンテンツとして「Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE」がお楽しみいただける「Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE -優待版-」(3,000円)をご用意しています。 ■「Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE」のパワーアップポイント!・サブヒロインだった「野村美希」「水織静久」がメインヒロインに昇格・主人公の親戚の少女「加藤うみ」ルートの追加・新ヒロイン「神山識」の追加・仲間との賑やかな日常シナリオなども追加・ミニゲーム「卓球」が進化しダブルスも可能に・新主題歌や新オープニングムービーを追加 ■タッチスクリーン操作フル対応! 片手プレイも可能!Joy-Conを本体にセットした携帯モードはもちろんのこと、タッチスクリーン操作にフル対応しているためJoy-Conを外した本体のみの状態でもプレイできます。さらに、テーブルモード、TVモード時には、右のJoy-Con(R)1つで操作ができるため片手でのプレイも可能です。また、Nintendo Switch Liteにも対応しています。(上記「片手プレイ」を行うには別途Joy-Con(R)が必要です) 【ゲームシステム】物語中の選択肢によりその後の展開が変化し、さまざまなエンディングをお楽しみいただけるアドベンチャーゲームです。ゲームを進めると、ミニゲーム「卓球」と「島モン ファイト」または「島ポン ファイト」をプレイできるようになります。(ミニゲームをプレイせずに物語を読み進めることも可能です) 【あらすじ】主人公の鷹原羽依里は、亡くなった祖母の遺品整理のため、夏休みを利用してひとり鳥白島にやってきた。都会暮らしでは知ることのない、自然とのふれあいの日々。忘れていた懐かしい何かを思い出させてくれるような生活。 海を見つめる少女と出会った。不思議な蝶を探す少女と出会った。思い出と海賊船を探す少女と出会った。静かな灯台で暮らす少女と出会った。 島で新しい仲間ができた。 この夏休みが終わらなければいいのにと、そう思った。 【スタッフ】原案   :麻枝 准原画   :Na-Ga / ふむゆん / 和泉つばす / 永山ゆうのんSDイラスト:えんぎよしシナリオ :新島 夕 / 魁 / ハサマ音楽   :折戸伸治 / 麻枝 准 / どんまる / 竹下智博 / 水月 陵 【キャスト】鳴瀬 しろは   CV:小原 好美空門 蒼     CV:高森 奈津美久島 鴎     CV:嶺内 ともみ紬 ヴェンダース CV:岩井 映美里野村 美希    CV:一宮 朔水織 静久    CV:小山 さほみ加藤 うみ    CV:田中 あいみ神山 識     CV:ファイルーズ あい三谷 良一    CV:熊谷 健太郎加納 天善    CV:浜田 洋平岬 鏡子     CV:高本 めぐみ鳴瀬 小鳩    CV:白石 稔イナリ      CV:鈴木 このみ鷹原 羽依里   CV:千葉 翔也他※フルボイス(主人公は一部パートのみ) セーブデータお預かりサービスを利用するには、Nintendo Switch Onlineへの加入(有料)が必要です。 本体にダウンロードした商品をインストールするために、記載している容量より多くの空き容量が必要になる場合や、記載しているよりも少ない空き容量のみが必要になる場合があります。 容量が足りない場合は、必要のないソフトを整理するか、十分な空き容量があるmicroSDカードをお使いください。 本ソフトは以下の機能に対応しています。- タッチスクリーン この商品は予約商品です。予約にあたっては、以下の「予約について」が適用されます。 購入を確定すると決済がおこなわれます。購入後のキャンセルや返金はできません。


Summer Pockets on Steam

Original Story: Jun Maeda Producer: Touya OkanoDirector: KaiIllustrators: Na-Ga, Tsubasu Izumi, Yuunon Nagayama, Humuyun (Side characters)SD Illustrator: EngiyoshiScenario Writers: Yuu Niijima, Kai, HasamaMusic: Shinji Orito, Jun Maeda, Donmaru, Tomohiro Takeshita, Ryo Mizutsuki Naruse Shiroha / Konomi Kohara Sorakado Ao / Takamori NatsumiKushima Kamome / Tomomi MineuchiTsumugi Wenders / Emiri IwaiUmi


36.) Sky Children Of Light

I played the mobile version a year or two ago – It’s a free adventure game featuring flying. It’s fun. check it out since it’s free.

Sky: Children of the Light for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

From the award-winning creators behind Journey (2013 Game of The Year) and the highly-acclaimed Flower, comes a ground-breaking social adventure that is set to warm your hearts. Welcome to the enchanting world of Sky, a beautifully-animated kingdom waiting to be explored by you and your loved ones.


37.) Tsukihime Remake

Tsukihime was one of my first visual novel games – and still one of my favorites. I am hoping for an English release – but for now all we have is the Japanese version launching this month. This remake of Tsukhime was announced 14 years ago – I even covered the Tsukihime Remake being announced here on my blog years ago. I’ve also reviewed the fan translated first Tsukihime game here.

38.) Air

Air is my FAVORITE visual novel by KEY – makers of games such as Clannad and Summer Pockets (I didn’t like Little Busters and Rewrite very much honestly). But Air – man I cry like a baby. I love it. I wish to god it was in English – I played a fan translated version way back in the day – plus loved the anime adaptations. But Air is arriving on Nintendo Switch in Japan next month. I might buy it and Tsukihime and work my Google Translate phone live scanning as I play it – which is what I plan to do for some of the other games on my list. Not the best – but until someone translates them, what can I do?

AIR – Switch AIR – Switch : Video Games


39.) Sugar Style

Sugar Style is coming to Switch later this year. Although this version is Japanese only, you can already play Sugar Style in English on the PC via Steam.

Sugar*Style ダウンロード版

春はもっと楽しい季節であるべきだ――!! 悪い女に騙されたり、借金をこさえた親に夜逃げされたり……。 不運なトラブル続きでろくに進路を決められずにいた俺は、心優しい親戚の紹介で地方の専門学校へと進学を果たした。 『今度こそ俺は自分の人生を謳歌できる!』 そんな期待に胸を膨らませながら着いた【ひだまり寮】。 なんとそこは、女性しか住んでいない小さな学生寮だった! …


Sugar * Style on Steam

Sugar * Style is a Japanese-style visual novel produced by Smee, a Japanese developer of romance VNs. This is going to be the springtime of my life!A little while back, a scam artist got the best of my parents and put my family deep in debt.


40.) Caligula Effect 2

This one surprisingly is being released in English. I remember covering news of its announcement at the last Nintendo Live event – However, I commented that it was only shown in the Japanese Nintendo Live and not the American one. Well, despite not being featured in the Nintendo Live Direct Event, here we have Caligula 2 releasing in English this October. The first game is very fun and often gets compared to Persona – It’s not nearly as good as Persona – but still good – and maybe 2 will be even better. I’ll be picking it up for sure.

The Caligula Effect 2 | Nintendo Switch | GameStop

Buy The Caligula Effect 2 by Koei Tecmo for Nintendo Switch at GameStop. Find release dates, customer reviews, previews, and more.


41.) Worth Life

Only in Japanese at the moment. It lets you play as a landlord and customize lots. Looks like fishing and farming are key. By the makers of Rune Factory.

WORTH LIFE(ワースライフ) ダウンロード版

それはまるで絵本のような世界。スローライフなファンタジーアクションゲーム。 クリスタルの輝きが失われ、各地に異変が起きています。国中から無作為に呼び集められた30人。皆は王様の命を受けて、思い思いの方法でこの国の可能性を探りはじめます。 …


42.) Ken Ga Kimi

It looks very similar to Hakouki series of Otome Game Visual Novels. Sadly not in English. It’s also on Steam – but not in English there either.

剣が君 for S ダウンロード版

和風伝奇アドベンチャー「剣が君」がついにNintendo Switchに登場! 妖怪を滅する力を持つ伝説の刀、「天下五剣」を授かる「剣取り」こそが真の侍と賞賛される時代。江戸で暮らす主人公は、偽の姫として花嫁行列を演じることとなる。護衛として出会った六人の侍たちと絆を深める旅路────。 侍達と綴られる儚くも切ない和風伝奇を豪華声優陣、プロキオンスタジオの音楽、そして美麗なイラストが彩ります。


43.) Izu In Love

It says it’s in English on the Japanese store page but I could not find it in the American Nintendo Eshop. I downloaded it because it’s 30% off right now. I’ll let you know if it’s any good.

愛怒流でいず ダウンロード版

ヤンキー娘がアイドルに転身!?新米プロデューサーとアイドルのハラハラでドッキドキの共同生活がはじまる! 新米プロディーサーとヤンキー娘から転身したアイドルとのハラハラドッキドキの共同生活が楽しめる恋愛アドベンチャーゲームです。 秋葉原を拠点とする地下アイドルグループを運営する事務所のスタッフの青年は、上司から新しいアイドルの発掘をしてこいと言われ、頭を抱えていた。 …


44.) Bear’s Restaurant

Adventure Game of Tears & Hope

Bear’s Restaurant for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

“Bear restaurant” In this restaurant, the dead will have the last supper. Hamburgers, omelets, sushi, pudding, anything. Let us cook your favorite dish when you were alive. This is a story about “Bear” and “Cat”. You are “Cat”, the assistant of “Bear”, who is running this restaurant.


45.) Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi

Again looking similar to Hakouki. And it’s in English – always a plus LOL.

Bakumatsu Renka SHINSENGUMI for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

The classic otome game Bakumatsu Renka SHINSENGUMI is now more beautiful and easier to play than ever! This is a romance game for women where you become the first female soldier in the Shinsengumi, fight alongside the other soldiers, and fall in love. Experience historical battles alongside the likes of Kondo, Hijikata, and Okita.


46.) Chroma Quaternion

Looking Good and Cute. Retro-Inspired colorful JRPG.

Chroma Quaternion for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

In a world with four kingdoms, each colored by a season, where roles are granted by the Quadeities, strange happenings suddenly threaten the peace there. A quest begins to find each one’s calling in this intrigued fate and journey through the kingdoms to get to the bottom of the mystery!


47.) Stray Cat Doors 2

Cute puzzle game.

Stray Cat Doors2 for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

The time that I spent with you at the house, the journey at dusk, the lost city and the way back home through the white breathing snow… “Stray Cat Doors”‘s continuation is finally here! It’s a escape adventure game where you solve the mystery and clear each stage with a cute character.


48.) Paradigm Paradox

It is coming in English. Aksys just announced the English release 5 days ago. I am ready!

Aksys Games To Publish ‘Paradigm Paradox’ On Switch In The West

Aksys Games announced they’ll publish the Otomate-developed otome visual novel Paradigm Paradox on Nintendo Switch. Paradigm Paradox is set in the year 25XX, where mankind has been isolated in colonies. The protagonist, Yuuki Takanashi, is a student and completely bored.


49.) LiEat

I played it on Steam and enjoyed it.

LiEat for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

LiEat is the classic story of a vagabond traversing a strange and mysterious world together with a dragon protégé, buying and selling secrets, while also attempting to uncover the truth about themselves.


50.) Kasiori

It’s basically like PuyoPuyo or Tetris with cute anime girls

KASIORI for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Girls battle with sweets falling block puzzle! With Single play, 1P versus &2P versus mode. 3 sweets which are same and connected will disappear. And sweet in bottle be broke by other bottle fell on it. It is also for beginner to lightly enjoy the puzzle combo. Total of 8 character appear.


51.) Sumire

I loved this game. I reviewed Sumire for Nintendo Switch here.

Sumire for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Sumire is an indie narrative adventure, featuring a one-day journey through a picturesque Japanese village. In this enchanted place, a disenchanted girl named Sumire meets a mischievous spirit who makes her a deal to fulfill her most desired wish.


52.) Calico

Adorable and ultra customization. A very inclusive game with cute pastel graphics and cats (and other animals). I reviewed Calico for the Nintendo Switch over here.

Calico for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Calico is a day-in-the-life community sim game where you are given an important and adorable task: rebuild the town’s cat café and fill it with cute and cuddly creatures! You will journey to a small village filled with magical girls and other fantastical friends, where you are placed in charge of a run down cat café.


53.) Miitopia

I played the demo and it was fun. I reviewed Miitopia here.

Miitopia™ for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Cast your friends, family, or anyone you choose in a comedy-filled adventure to bring down the face-stealing Dark Lord! Create and customize Mii™ characters, assign them roles, and watch them come to life. Laugh along as your best friend and dear old grandma team up in the fantasy adventure of a lifetime!


54.) Tales Of Djungarian Hamster

Cute virtual pet hamsters

Tales of Djungarian Hamster for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

■Real and fluffy! The Djungarian hamster expressed in 3D reproduces the unique fluffiness of the hair! Djungarian hamsters that move in various ways in a cage are healed just by looking at them. ■Introducing over 30 types of Djungarian hamster with various features.


55.) Angelique Luminarise

Angelique is a very popular Otome series – but sadly – 25 years have gone by, and never a single Angelique game has ever been released in English. Again not to worry, you can use your phone and google translate to get a rough idea of the story.

アンジェリーク ルミナライズ ダウンロード版

Nintendo Switch 本体でご確認ください この商品は単品での販売はしておりません。この商品が含まれるセット商品をご確認ください 『アンジェリーク』をやったことのない方でも大丈夫。女王候補として生きてみませんか?日々を頑張るあなたに優しい世界が、ここにある! ■物語25歳、独身会社員――なんで私が女王に?? 「宇宙は、女王と9人の守護聖たちに守られている」 …


56.) Clannad Side Stories

More stories from Key’s popular visual novel, Clannad

CLANNAD Side Stories for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

CLANNAD Side Stories is an anthology of sixteen short stories penned by the scenario writers of the original CLANNAD visual novel. Featuring episodes set both before and after the events of CLANNAD, this collection is fully voiced by a stellar cast and brought to life by the gorgeous illustrations of acclaimed artist GOTO-P.


57.) Jack Jeanne

This game is looking quite popular, but still no official English release date has been announced. For now it remains Japanese only.

ジャックジャンヌ ダウンロード版

「東京喰種トーキョーグール」シリーズの作者・石田スイが世界観設定、キャラクターデザイン、イラスト、シナリオすべてを手がける最高の歌劇学校青春物語。 男性が男女両方の役を演じる「ユニヴェ-ル歌劇学校」。女性であることを隠して入学した主人公「立花希佐」は、仲間達との絆を深め、時に競い合い、主役になることを目指す。 セーブデータお預かりサービスを利用するには、Nintendo Switch …


58.) Story Of Seasons

There were a few Story Of Seasons games recently. Friends of Mineral Town and Pioneers Of Olive Town.

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Welcome to Olive Town, a peaceful community established by your trailblazing grandfather and his friends. Now that you’ve taken over his farm, it’s your job to carry on his legacy. Plant crops, raise animals, build relationships, and get to know the residents of your new home in this brand-new entry in the STORY OF SEASONS series!


59.) RE:Zero

One of my all-time favorite anime, is now a game on Nintendo Switch.

Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- The Prophecy of the Throne for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

One month after Subaru’s life in another world began, an emissary brings news to royal candidate Emilia that the royal selection is postponed. A nun named Melty Pristis has appeared to defy prophecy as the mysterious sixth candidate seeking the throne.


60.) Lily White Lily Maidens S

Looks cute – too bad only in Japanese.

Lily 白き百合の乙女たち S ダウンロード版

確率を廃し、戦略性を追求。ストレスのない遊びやすさを突き詰めた本格SRPG! 近未来の仙台、不思議な能力を持つ少女たち「リリー」と異形の生物「黒閖」の戦いの物語。友情によって結ばれる少女たちの絆「カップリング」を駆使して戦おう! …


61.) Romance Of The Three Kingdoms

Romance Of The Three Kingdoms has been one of my favorite strategy games ever since SNES Super Nintendo back in the 90s. I’m glad to see we’re starting to get some of the newer games in English again.

ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV: Diplomacy and Strategy Expansion Pack Bundle for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

About the Game] The Diplomacy and Strategy Expansion Pack for the series’ latest title “ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV” is available at last! An all new world of strategy awaits you. Make a display of your strategies on an increasingly worldly stage!


62.) Yes, Your Grace

A challenging kingdom management simulation game.

Yes, Your Grace for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

In this kingdom management RPG, petitioners will arrive in the throne room each turn to ask for your advice and assistance. Decide whether to help them with their problems, or to conserve resources for more important matters. Remember: supplies are limited, and not everyone has the kingdom’s best interests at heart…


63.) Ciel Fledge

I reviewed Ciel Fledge For Nintendo Switch here. It is similar to Princess Maker.

Ciel Fledge: A Daughter Raising Simulator for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

In the year 3716, humanity lives under constant risk of ruin from a colossal alien threat known as “GIGANT”. Fleeing its destruction, a mysterious young girl arrives on ARK-3, a magnificent city built in the sky. Ciel Fledge is a game about raising an adopted daughter in a future world that still has hope.


64. Rare Land Story Remake

I bought this Japanese Princess Maker like game, but haven’t played it enough yet to formulate an opinion.

蘭島物語 レアランドストーリー 少女の約定 Remake ダウンロード版

「失われた記憶をいっしょに探して…」少女を育てる!着せ替える! レアランド――数百年にわたり、平和と繁栄を築きあげた王国。しかし、平穏は突如として降り注いだ隕石とともに現れた侵略者により破られる。苛烈を極める戦争の最中、レアランド王城の若き男爵・ヒロは、決死の思いで敵陣へと反撃を行う。そして、ついに敵の首領を討ち果たした。 …


65.) Selfy Collection

Dressup game by the makers of Cocoppa Play.

SELFY COLLECTION The dream fashion stylist! for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

From the popular avatar “Selfy”, played by 13 million people globally, comes a new fashion coordinating game for the Nintendo Switch! As a newbie stylist, you get to travel around the world to coordinate outfits of your dreams! You can even make your own portfolio and share with your friends♬ Aim to be a top-rated stylist♬You are a newbie stylist working at shop “2-way”.


66.) LoveR Kiss

It seems similar to Sonicomi – It’s only in Japanese at this time.

LoveR Kiss(ラヴアール キス) ダウンロード版

レーティングや容量などの商品を購入 / あそぶための条件が、予約のお申し込み段階では確定していない場合があります。 決済時において商品のレーティングが以下に該当する場合には、予約の申し込みがキャンセルされます。 ・保護者(ファミリーの管理者)が設定する「ニンテンドーeショップの閲覧制限」の制限対象である場合。・お客様のニンテンドーアカウントの年齢では購入できないレーティングである場合。 …


67. Pretty Princess Party

Simulation and Puzzle Dressup Game For up to 4 players

Pretty Princess Party for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Become a princess of a magical castle! Pretty Princess Party on the Nintendo Switch transports you to a magical land to explore a long-abandoned enchanted castle. Learn to be a princess and decorate the castle any way you wish. Begin by creating a princess character with endless choices of dresses, shoes, accessories, and hairstyles.


68.) Uncharted Waters

This was one of my favorite series back on Super Nintendo SNES. Too bad this installment is Japanese only.

69.) Today’s Rice

A cute anime cooking simulation – I could only find it in the Japanese Eshop – but it says it supports English.

毎日♪ 衛宮さんちの今日のごはん ダウンロード版

あの「衛宮さんちの今日のごはん」の美味しく優しい世界がゲームになって登場切って、炒めて、焼いて、揚げて…セイバーが、桜が、凛が様々な料理にチャレンジ!?はたしてどんな料理ができるのか!?もちろん作った料理は美味しくみんなで「いただきます!」 原作のあのレシピや、ゲームならではのオリジナルストーリーも登場!あなたもFate×お料理ゲームの世界を体験してみませんか? …


70.) Clockwork Appocalypse

Another Idea Factory Otome Game – A lot of their games do eventually come out in English, but this one is Japanese only for now.

時計仕掛けのアポカリプス ダウンロード版

これは「バッドエンド」から始まる物語。繰り返す時間の中で、少女は望む未来を手に入れられるか―… ここは空のない、箱のような地下の街。『ギムレー』と呼ばれるこの街の天井は、太陽の代わりに『魔法の火』が灯り、この街の原動力となっていた。主人公の『ラチア』は街で開催される『祭典』で、魔法の火から種火を受け取り街の人に配り歩く役目を担っていた。 …


71.) Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack

3 More Atelier Games Have Arrived On Nintendo Switch

Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

A discounted set featuring all three Mysterious series DX titles: – “Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX” Main Game – “Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX” Main Game – “Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX” Main Game The “Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX Digital Art Book”, “Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX Digital Art Book”, and “Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX Digital Art Book” are included as a purchase bonus.


72.) Saga Frontier Remastered

One of my favorite Square Soft series has seen new life on Nintendo Switch

SaGa Frontier Remastered for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

The beloved 1998 RPG Classic, SaGa Frontier, is reborn with improved graphics, additional features, and a new main character! Experience this role-playing adventure as one of the eight heroes, each with their own storyline and goals. With the Free Scenario system, unfold your own unique journey.


73.) Abandoned

Another one that’s only available in the Japanese Eshop but supports English language.

廃深 ダウンロード版

動画配信者の3人は突如現れた謎の着ぐるみから逃げ延び、廃レジャーホテルから生きて脱出することはできるのか? 本作は襲ってくる謎の殺人着ぐるみから逃げながら、廃レジャーホテル内を探索しアイテムやヒントを手がかりに謎を解いて脱出を目指すのが目的の横スクロールアクションアドベンチャーです。プレイヤーの行動次第で彼女たちの運命は大きく変わります。 …


74.) Island

Another visual novel story rich game on Nintendo Switch

ISLAND for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

With a story by G.O. and art by Kuuchuu yousai, the PC gaming brand Frontwing presents the popular sci-fi romance-adventure series ISLAND. The secret of this world is uncovered through scattered keywords and masterful foreshadowing in this magnificent telling of an epic tale.


75.) Laid Back Camp

A cute kawaii casual anime game

Laid-Back Camp – Virtual – Lake Motosu for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Experience Laid-Back Camp in 3D! Together, Nadeshiko (you!) and Rin embark on a new camping adventure at Lake Motosu, taking pictures and trying lots of delicious food. About the Game Set near scenic Mt. Fuji, Nadeshiko, Rin & co. encounter a variety of unique situations.


Laid-Back Camp – Virtual – Fumoto Campsite for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

Experience Laid-Back Camp in 3D! Together, Rin (you!) and Nadeshiko embark on a new camping adventure at the Fumoto Campsite, taking pictures and trying lots of delicious food. About the Game Nadeshiko, Rin & co. encounter a variety of unique situations.


76.) Various Voltage Games

Popular Otome Mobile Game Production Company, Voltage, ports several of their games to Nintendo Switch

Search Nintendo – Official Site – Nintendo – Official Site

To get started please enter a query above or explore one of the pages below: Explore hundreds of games and find the one for you-fast! Catch up on all the latest Nintendo news. Dedicated section for Nintendo Switch packed with all the info you’ll ever need.


77.) The House Of Fata Morgana: Dreams Of The Revenants Edition

A gothic horror visual novel compilation of games.

The House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

A gothic suspense tale set in a cursed mansion. ‘The House in Fata Morgana’ is a full-length visual novel spanning nearly a millennium that deals in tragedy, human nature, and insanity. This version includes three games and more: 1: The House in Fata Morgana: the main storyline.


78.) Memories Off

An extremely popular visual novel series that has never been in English – and still isn’t in English.

メモリーズオフ ヒストリア 上巻 ダウンロード版

「メモリーズオフ」シリーズが遊びやすく高画質になって登場!シリーズ第1作目から第4作目を収録! “かけがえのない想い”をテーマに、切なさや痛みを伴う恋愛模様を描いてきた恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム『メモリーズオフ』シリーズ。全8作のシリーズナンバリングタイトルから第1作目から第4作目を上巻に収録。当時の解像度からフルHD化、インターフェイスを『メモリーズオフ -Innocent Fille- …


79.) Lover Pretend

Aksys is bringing Lover Pretend to Nintendo Switch with an English version.

Lover Pretend to be localized for the west

Aksys Games is localizing the otome visual novel Lover Pretend, the company revealed today. A release window was not shared. Here’s some information about Lover Pretend: Chiyuki lives alone, spending all her time studying for university and doing part-time work. She has two dreams in life: to become a scriptwriter – also a dream of her late mother – and…


80.) Steam Prison

Another wonderful Otome Game praised for its nonstereotypical heroine.

Steam Prison for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Game Details

“Steam Prison” is coming to Nintendo Switch with upgraded content!! [Synopsis]There are two kinds of people.The rulers and the ruled. A catastrophic flood split the world into two.The Heights, a gorgeous utopia.


The Best Nintendo Switch Games For Girls 2021 was originally published on

Instagram Insights: Monitor your Instagram profile

Instagram Analytics can provide you with information about your followers. To see the statistics of your profile, the platform provides a native tool called Instagram Insights.

A necessary condition to access its features is the creation of a business account. The types of Instagram Analytics to which we will have access are two: the account statistics, and the data of the single post or story.

Regarding Instagram Insights for the account we can check the following statistics:

  • Impression
  • Post coverage
  • Click to the website
  • Total visits

As for the published posts, we have the following metrics available:

  • Like, comments
  • Number of people who added the post to saved items
  • Views
  • Actions (profile visits, site clicks …)
  • Finally, only the Instagram stories remain where we can see views, coverage and the number of responses received.

Also, use external Instagram Analytics tools

In addition to Instagram Insights, there are many tools that can give you more interesting information. A few examples? The interaction rate, new followers, unfollows and inactive profiles. Having a deeper insight into your profile will increase the chances of increasing free Instagram followers on Instagram. The best analytics tools on the market right now include:

Among the tools presented in this list, Ninjalytics is the one that best suits the needs of a single project, perhaps with a small initial budget, the other tools are more suitable for web agencies or, in any case, for projects with the management of multiple Instagram accounts.

All of these analytics tools for Instagram provide valuable and highly informative information that can help you learn more about your audience.

This data can also highlight which content leads to an increase in followers, such as an improvement in sales on Instagram, etc.

Get Instagram followers with Follow / Unfollow: if and how to do it

The follow/unfollow on Instagram is today a much debated growth strategy: its detractors will tell you that it is not ethical at all and that it only offers an apparent increase in Instagram followers; its supporters, on the other hand, will decant you the successes obtained by using this technique. More free Instagram likes are also needed.

As is often the case, the truth lies somewhere in between.

In a nutshell, it is simply a matter of starting to follow Instagram profiles, waiting for them to notice us and return the follow, and then take it off.

Can you use a bot to increase Instagram followers?

Handmade is very cumbersome and difficult, which is why almost anyone who uses this technique relies on bots: external software that operates in the name and on behalf of your profile, leaving and removing followers throughout the day.

But be careful: it is a practice frowned upon by Instagram and you can risk problems with the account, even the closure of the profile. It also requires you to give your login details to third parties, so make sure you make a careful choice.

Abusing follow/unfollow on Instagram risks giving your profile a bad reputation but, if done well and in limited quantities, it can lead to satisfying results. In fact, the people who follow you will be real followers, and if you have targeted the audience well, they will be in your niche.

How to follow/unfollow ethically?

First rule: don’t follow a huge amount of random profiles. Select your target within the niche you are in.

Second rule: choose profiles with a low number of following (attention, not followers). The more people you follow, the harder it will be to get noticed in the roundup of posts and get a like or an interaction.

Third rule: do not remove the follow immediately. Enter a study phase to see if the new employee interacts with your posts. If his engagement rate is high, reserve him a place among your following (attention, you can follow a maximum of 7000 profiles).

This is a strategy that can give a growth input to the profile and help you increase Instagram followers free but only if accompanied by a quality content creation. Seeing is believing!

Instagram Insights: Monitor your Instagram profile was originally published on

My Disney World October 2 – October 9, 2021 Upcoming Travel Planning Trip Itinerary – As COVID and Delta Variants Rage Across Florida

Many of you may know that I am getting married in about 3 weeks. And that for my honeymoon – since I can’t go to Japan because the borders are still closed – I plan to travel to Walt Disney World. Right now the trip is scheduled to occur October 2nd through October 9th of 2021. I wanted to wait until their 50th anniversary – and also until it was not so hot and humid.

The only other time I’ve been to Walt Disney World was for the 25th anniversary which, I’m 40 now, so that was 25 years ago when I was 15 – or possibly 16 – because their celebrations last a year+. I remember it being a sweet 16 present from my grandma (nana). But I can’t remember if I had turned 16 just yet or if it was before that. Anyways, needless to say, a LOT has changed since the last time I visited Walt Disney World.

For starters, some of the rides and attractions have been removed and/or refaced to make room for more modern Disney Movies. Such as Honey I Shrunk the Kids is now where Toy Story Land is I believe. Also you can no longer watch the animators actually drawing the cartoons at Disney World. I remember watching them animate Pochahontas when I was there 25 years ago, with like a backstage tour thing.

While not being able to see the animators working on the latest Disney projects is a bit of a let down to me, there’s a flip side to this as well. That area in Hollywood Studios has been filled with the new Star Wars attractions. The most popular ride right now in Disney World is Rise of The Resistance – which is more than a ride – it’s a fully immersive interactive experience.

Another thing that’s changed is that to get onto this ride, you have to use an app on your phone. They literally don’t let you just line up and wait in line outside because the ride is so popular and lines are so long. The app allows you to try twice a day (as long as you have Hollywood Studio Park reservations for that day (we’ll get to the park reservations in a moment)). At 7AM and 1PM, and it’s completely filled in under 2 seconds. This isn’t a cutesy form of expressive writing, this is an actual fact. If you don’t have the phone app ready, or if you take time to try to read anything on the screen, you’re screwed. Also don’t try it on Wifi, use your cellular data. Disney Wifi is overloaded and too slow. Even then, May the force be with you – because it is not an easy task to try to get on this ride!!!

I’m not the hugest Star Wars Fan – The last film I saw was the one set before the newer films, probably released about 10-15 years ago, where everyone died at the end. I can’t remember the title. It came out after the first film in the newest trilogy (with the female heroine) – After that, I did not see the concluding 2 films in the triology with the female heroine and black storm trooper. I will probably at some point watch them on Disney+ but not in any hurry to watch them.

I don’t DISLIKE Star Wars or anything, I’m just not a super duper mega Star Wars fan. – Now if it was Sailor Moon – that’s another story LOL :).

Even still, despite my somewhat limited knowledge of Star Wars, I still want to ride Rise of the Resistance because it’s supposed to be an amazing experience, more immersive and interactive than any other themepark ride in the world. Whether that’s true or not, I don’t know because I have yet to experience it for myself.

I will be staying at Coronado Springs. When I booked my trip back in June, it was the cheapest resort available. All of the budget resorts – Pop, Art of Animation, etc, were all booked up. The next resort – Animal Kingdom Lodge was several thousand dollars more. And I’m already spending around $4,000. More once you factor in airfaire, food, souvenirs, travel essentials, etc. Probably coming out around $5,000.

When I had my trip to Japan booked prior to Covid – it only cost me between $4,000-$5,000 again not counting food, entertainment, experiences, and souvenirs (or in my case Dollfie Dream shopping LOL). It’s pretty ridiculous I can travel literally to the other side of the world – OH and stay longer too – I had 14 days booked there – for the same price it is costing me to go to Disney World…. Crazy.

That’s why Disney World is a once in a lifetime trip for most average American families. For me, this will be my second time, but first – and possibly only – time paying for it myself as an adult.

I am 40 and getting married in days now – and we have talked about having, or adopting, children in the next year or two. Add to that that kids over 9 are charged as adults – and well Disney can get expensive QUICK. I’m glad it’s just us two this time. And food also at Disney World is expensive. I paid $154 for Cinderella’s Table – Prepayment is required. That’s for 2 people. That’s like $80 a person (or adult).

I do have memory maker added to this trip – although I’m not even sure if it’s worth it now with fricken masks being mandated again. Memory Maker lets you meet designated photographers at each park and pose for professional photos which are downloaded to the Disney App. I do have park hopper – but I’ll get to that in a moment when I cover park reservations later.

The Disney App sure is used for a lot of things! 25 years ago when I last traveled to Walt Disney World, Cellphones weren’t even a readily available thing. The first cellphone came out in the 1960s or 70s – but for most Americans we didn’t have cellphones until early 2k. I still remember my first cellphone was an LG Chocolate candybar style phone (with fold out keyboard) – shortly after that the first ever android phone came out (also with a fold out keyboard). I had the first 2 android phones – and a few androids after that. My first Iphone was Iphone 6S. I left 6S for Google Pixel (2 or 3 can’t remember). My camera started getting hacked and I traded it in for Iphone 11 – I feel safer on Iphone because they heavily screen and vet the app store there – Anyways Iphone11 had some serious problems and I had it less than 2 years. Now I have Iphone12 Pro. I don’t know if I will get Iphone13. I’m more interested in the newly leaked Iphone(14 presumably) that’s a clamshell design fliphone in “fun colors” The leaked image shows a purple flip phone.

Sorry I love phones and technology so much that I get carried away. Anyways back to Disney. The Disney World App is where you’ll find your tickets, reservations, support, maps of Disney. You can even use it to unlock your hotel room door. And you’ll need the app as mentioned for rides like Rise of The Resistance.

There are Disney Magic Bands – they’re no longer free though – and the colors and designs and choices are very limited now (at least online back in June when I purchased mine.) I went with the black with the castle and fireworks thinking it’ll match any outfit. Later though when I saw my fiance’s Toy Story one i wish I had picked that one too because Tiffany Blue is one of my favorite colors.

There were no Disney Magic Bands 25 years ago when I was there either. But Disney World is already getting rid of those wanting everyone to download and use the Disney World app. This has a few problems. 1.) Wifi at Disney World sucks (for me, no problem I have unlimited uncapped unslowed unmetered data.) – but for other people 2.) This causes you to use Cellphone Data which might incur some expenses if you don’t have unlimited Data. 3.) Your phone’s battery is going to drain quickly – Yes, there are plenty of charging stations I’ve read in the parks and hotels – but you’ll probably want to pack a few extra charging banks just in case because society has changed so much! You’re going to be taking millions of pictures and videos on your phone so of course, you want to make sure it’s charged up.

There also was no Pandemic and no (stupid) Face Mask mandates 25 years ago. I say it’s stupid because why should I protect people who won’t protect themselves. It angers me greatly. I have to wear this stupid mask just because people won’t get the vaccine. Now before you choose to write a nasty comment here – I do understand there are people with a valid medical reason why not to get the vaccine – and my comment is not directed towards these people. I also do understand that children under 12 years of age cannot yet receive the vaccine – again my comment is not towards them either.

However, on the flip side – it kinda is… At least this next part – This comment is to those above who have a reason why not to be vaccinated – Maybe don’t go to somewhere like Disney World in a Global Pandemic? Just Sayin…. I mean it’s your choice… but I wouldn’t go to Florida – or especially Orange County (where Disney World is) – Or somewhere like Disney where it’s literally shoulder to shoulder people – in a Pandemic – without a vaccine.

Now yes, I am very intelligent, and I do understand the risk I am taking even WITH the vaccine. I am well aware that there is a strong possibility I can still catch COVID… But with the vaccine in almost EVERY case, once you’re vaccinated, if you should happen to catch COVID, it is just a cold or flu at worst. At best, you won’t even KNOW you have COVID – 99% of people who get the vaccine will be asymptomatic – they will have ZERO symptoms – Now, that might be scary if you live with someone or work with someone who cannot be vaccinated – because yes, you could spread COVID to those people – or even to other vaccinated people – but again those people would have no – to very minor – symptoms. Now yes, very tragically and sadly there have been cases of people with the vaccine who have died or been on life support in intensive care. BUT those cases are SO RARE. The media has hyped up these “breakthrough” cases to the point of panic levels – over something we should not be panicked about!! Did you know people can still catch the black plague and polio and other deadly diseases?! It’s TRUE! We have vaccines so you don’t hear about it as often – but people STILL get it, and STILL die – it’s sad, it’s true, it’s a fact – and well it’s life. We live and we die.

It should be every individual’s choice whether or not to get a vaccine AND ALSO every individual’s choice whether or not to wear a mask.

I do not mind at all wearing a mask on a plane, monorail, inside a restaurant, a movie theater, etc. But Disney has it OVER THE TOP EXTREME – you have to wear them literally everywhere – even when outdoors!!! Not just on/in rides and attractions or on/in transportation or inside restaurants – but literally EVERYWHERE – except for “common areas” which are roads, sidewalks, and pathways – so yeah – EVERYwhere… Waiting in Queues that can be over 2 hours long – YUP – and they’re REAL strict about it too – YOU CAN GET BANNED FOR LIFE FROM DISNEY WORLD FOR REMOVING YOUR MASK – It’s TRUE – Look it up. They don’t even want you to lower it to take a drink of water – Which frankly, seems dangerous!!!!! It’s triple digit heat and 100% humidity right now in Florida – plus everyone’s body heat – PLUS a face mask – People are passing out and collapsing from dehydration and heat exhaust even prior to the mask mandate – and now THIS?!

I SERIOUSLY thought about canceling or at least postponing my Disney World trip due to the newly reissued mask mandate…. But, after a day or two of thinking about it… I decided – let’s just go. Let’s go and have our honeymoon. Our Disneymoon. Mask and all. Pandemic and all. Heat and Humidity and all. Let’s do it. Why? Because it’s too hard to plan around an unpredictable pandemic and unpredictable mandates that may arise as a result of the pandemic (such as the mask mandate). I could fly out one day and no masks required, and that same day, or the next, CDC comes on and advises everyone to wear masks again, for a 3rd time, and Disney World announces its mask mandates again.

I only have 18 months to experience the 50th anniversary. I was there for the 25th. And it is my honeymoon (although delayed by a few weeks, sure.) – And I want to be there on the 50th. I couldn’t go the first day it started – but the celebration lasts for 18 months. But you know what else will probably last for 18 months (or more?) This pandemic.

So as much as I hate masks, and hate that I’m being forced to protect people who “are the problem” by not protecting themselves – as much as I hate that I’ll be masked in all my photos and not even know who I am, behind my long curly bangs and my mask that goes up almost over my eyes at times – and Sunglasses at Disney too. Or a sunhat to prevent sunburn – I’ll look like a little bank robber – LOL. And as much as I hate that I’ll be hot, humid, thirsty, and miserable in a wet sweaty awful hot face mask – Well…. Even as much as I HATE ALL OF THAT….. I Love Disney MORE. I love Disney World enough to say fuck it. Throw caution into the wind. Risk my life and health in a pandemic. Put up with my physical and mental and psychological discomfort by wearing a mask 24/7 for 8 days… Yeah – THAT’s how much I love Disney World…..

Another thing that’s changed thanks to this pandemic is character dining experiences – MOST of them are closed. Only 3 or 4 are open – and like half of those are at other hotel resorts that I’m not staying at – and don’t want to take Park Time away to go eat at. BUT there are 2 or 3 character dining experiences still open – but VERY modified – In one, the characters sail past you on a boat. In the others, the characters briefly walk by your table, at a 6 foot distance. No hugs or posing for cute pictures – You might get lucky and get the character to pause briefly enough to snap a pic – but from what I have read – they don’t stop long at tables without children – which SUCKS FOR ME – because the character dining – HONESTLY – is my FAVORITE thing about Disney World – I still remember the character breakfast I went to 25 years ago. It was an Aladdin themed one back then. It was awesome. The cast member playing Aladdin was pretty handsome. lol and the big blue Genie was sooo big and fluffy looking. And the girl playing Jasmine was amazingly beautiful. It was a great experience with lots of wonderful pictures and memories.

Of course, not everything is bad. A lot of POSITIVE changes have happened at Disney World in the past 25 years. New themeparks have been added – There was no Animal Kingdom 25 years ago – And I love going to all of my local zoos and love animals so that’s a HUGE plus for me – I have 2 days booked there – although most people only do a half day.

New hotels and resorts have been added. I’m staying at Coronado Springs – some people hate it – because it’s not over the top Disney – and it’s huge – and it’s used by convention and business people – but I think I will like it – Like I said, I picked it because 2-3 months ago it was the cheapest one I could book. I read some really BAD reviews at first – but afterwards, started watching tours of it on Youtube – from within this past year – and honestly, I like it.

My fiance – who will be my husband by then – is from Lima Peru – and the Spanish influences of this hotel seem perfect for us celebrating our honeymoon. I did get to go to Peru with him a few years ago and it’s an amazing country – especially the food LOL.

Plus just yesterday, I found out the 3 quiet pools (not the dig site) are open 24/7 (as long as you are quiet). – This is perfect. I LOVE swimming – SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much – seriously, Kalahari (a nearby indoor waterpark) is probably my favorite place on earth – yes probably even more than Disney World – but it’s not as exciting/inviting as Disney World, because it’s close to home and I go once a year. I have ridden every slide at least once – but I hate them. I chickened out last time I attempted to do a waterslide – which was embarrassing because I was on a date (before I met my now fiance years ago) – and I turned around halfway up the stairs and came back down. I’m like you go have fun, I’ll wait here LOL. – So why do I STILL go to Kalahari every year? Adults only hottub, indoor/outdoor hottubs, lazy river, wave pools, huge arcade too, minigolf, restaurants, african theme with animal statues, and so on…. Man now I want to go to Kalahari lol – I will have to plan a trip for that soon :). There’s another indoor waterpark near me too called Splash Lagoon – but Kalahari is better. Much better. I do need to eventually take my fiance to Splash Lagoon though because I have literally taken almost every other person I’ve ever dated (which well hasn’t been many) since it opened. But I prefer Kalahari.

Anyways back to Disney – another thing different right now is one of the waterparks is closed down. I don’t know / don’t think we will do the other currently open waterpark – like I said I have Kalahari here close by home – and I found out the 3 quiet pools at Coronado Springs are 24/7. So not much need to take time away from one of the main parks to go to the Water Park.

I did purchase Park Hopper + with the ability to go to the Water Parks – for that reason – thinking I might want to go to one. Plus we DID Park Hop 25 years ago, we’d leave go back to our hotel at the hottest parts of the day, and then venture back out (sometimes to another park) in the afternoon. I like that option.

But Park Hopper has changed a lot and may not be worth it now. I still decided to buy Park Hopper. But here’s some reasons you might want to pass this time:

  • Park reservations are required now. Disney World is operating at limited capacity due to COVID. You must secure a Park Reservation prior to your arrival. You can’t just go up to the gates and get in. That’s why I’m not traveling until October 2nd. October 1st at Magic Kingdom was COMPLETELY booked. I want my first day and first thing I see to be that castle! That just sets the whole Disney theme state of mind.
  • Because Park reservations are required and park capacity is being checked daily – you might not be able to park hop to the park you want to go to. If it’s full you’ll have to go somewhere else. I also wonder what happens if you leave to park hop and they’re all full – can you go back to the original park you had reservations at – or will it then be full too?
  • You might spend time on buses or monorails or walking or driving or ubering trying to get from one park to another that could be better spent just enjoying the one park you were already at.
  • You have to enter your main park – the one you have reservations in – first. You can’t switch on the fly or skip that park completely.
  • You have to enter that main park before 2PM – otherwise you forfeit your reservations and park hoppers. Not nice for sleeping in, lounging by the pool, expoloring other things like Disney Springs, etc.
  • With all these restrictions, and with one of the water parks closed, Park Hopper is probably not really worth it.

The Disney App is also used to book all of your dining reservations. You used to be able to book 120 days in advance, but because of COVID again, it’s now 60 days in advance. Yesterday was my turn to book. I was able to get reservations at every restaurant I wanted.

I guess now’s a good time to share my actual Itinerary (as per the title of this blog post) so you can see what I chose.

Saturday, October 2
Flight Leaves Pittsburgh: 7:50AM
Flight Arrives Orlando: 10:00 AM

Take Magic Express Bus. By the way, this bus is free right now – but they’re doing away with this bus after January 1st – which was another reason I didn’t want to postpone my trip, I don’t want to have to rent a car or drive. Anyways take the Magic Express Bus from Airport to Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort – Leave luggage at concierge – They will text us later when room is ready. Head to Magic Kingdom – Hopefully arrive by 11AM-12PM. Have to arrive by 2PM to guarantee our reservations there.

Magic Kingdom Park Reservations
Park Hours:9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

This is the most Iconic part of Disney World with the castle and majority of the most popular rides and attractions.

Dining Reservation:
3:05 PM
Be Our Guest Dinner Prix Fixe – The only place in Disney World where you can see someone dressed up like The Beast from Beauty and the Beast (because in the story, he’s never allowed to leave his cursed castle)

I don’t know if we will stay to watch Fireworks or not this first night – I have 2 other Magic Kingdom nights to watch them – We will be tired from flying – and I want to make sure we get our luggage and find our room and don’t have problems. Might return to hotel after dinner – if our room is ready by then. – If it’s still early – and not too tired, might explore hotel and go swimming back at the hotel.

Sunday, October 3
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park Reservations
Park Hours:8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Dining Reservation:
12:35 PM
Sanaa Lunch – Here we can watch safari animals – real ones – not robots – while we eat – pretty cool.

After lunch we will Walk and Ride around looking at animals all day until…

Dining Reservation:
6:20 PM
Tusker House Dinner – Character dining experience with Donald Duck (and friends)

Animal Kingdom closes super early (7pm) (They do allow you to stay to finish dinner and buses keep running for awhile after) – So after dinner we will head back to hotel and swim and explore our resort for at least 2-3 hours (I don’t imagine we’ll sleep before 10PM).

Monday, October 4
Park Hours:11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

The food and wine festival is going on – so you don’t really need reservations anywhere (It’s not free, but it’s walk up quick service bitesize food EVERYWHERE in Epcot) – but I made one for the character dining restaurant with Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers

5:15 PM
Garden Grill Dinner

When I was young, I didn’t like Epcot very much – but that was 25 years ago. I do know they sell hello kitty stuff in one of the stores there someone told me. And I do think it’ll be fun to get photos with the mini eiffel tower and Japanese shrines/gardens and whatever else.

Tuesday, October 5
Magic Kingdom Park
Park Hours:9:00 AM – 8:30 PM

11:15 AM
Cinderella’s Royal Table Lunch – You get to go INSIDE Cinderella’s castle – I am not happy about the time – so early that we won’t be very hungry – but it was all I could do – everything else was booked. I’m happy just to get to go – it’s the ONLY way you get to see INSIDE the castle – It normally is also a character dining location – but it is not right now due to Covid – that might change before October – but with Florida’s numbers these past weeks – that’s not looking too likely. Normally all of the Disney Princesses are inside and take photos with you. I hope that returns – but if not – still cool to see inside the castle. It is the busiest most requested restaurant at Disney World – and it is Prepay – It cost me $154 for 2 people – you pay admission price and then order whatever you want to eat – from what I understand.

That’s all I booked at Magic Kingdom this day – I rather spend time riding rides and watching shows and attractions. The park is closing early because of Boo Bash – I have Boo Bash tickets but not on this night. I don’t know if they will have a nightly firework show because they are closing early. I don’t want to be on a rigid schedule, so we will check out Magic Kingdom for as long as we both want, and then can park hop and/or go back to the resort and/or Disney Springs (100 shopping and dining experiences).

Wednesday, October 6
Disney’s Hollywood Studios
Park Hours:9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Hopefully get into the boarding groups for either morning or afternoon Rise of Resistance – It’s the most popular ride at Disney World – it fills up in seconds – they don’t let you stand in line outside. You use an app on your phone at 7:00AM or 1:00 PM to reserve a spot – and they text you when your group is boarding the ride. It’s an interactive “experience” similar (I guess?) to Universal Studios (I have never been to Universal and sadly can’t afford to do both on this trip). I’m not the hugest star wars fan – the last one I saw was the “flash back” one where everyone died at the end. But just the experience of the ride – it’s supposed to be amazing.

1:40 PM
Sci-Fi Lunch – It’s a drive in movie theater restaurant – You don’t actually have to drive – the tables are made to look like cars – as a movie plays on a big screen outside.

6:50 PM
Hollywood & Vine Minnie’s Seasonal Dine Dinner – It’s a character dining restaurant (people in costumes for photos)

Between those 2 times – just check out the park. When I was there 25 years ago, you got to go on tours and watch the animators drawing the cartoons, but I heard they don’t do that anymore. So not sure what else is here – besides Star Wars.

Thursday, October 7
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park
Park Hours:8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

1:30 PM
Rainforest Cafe Lunch – AK – Their food is not that tasty and also it’s expensive – but it’s a fun restaurant – animatronic robot animals inside

6:00 PM
Yak & Yeti Restaurant Dinner – I don’t know – don’t think – you can see animals from here – it looks like it’s an asian infusion restaurant – I was sold when I saw the desserts – mango cheesecake – yes please lol.

Friday, October 8
Magic Kingdom Park
Park Hours:9:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Ticketed Event:9:00 PM – 12:00 AM (Boo Bash – I have tickets for this night)

It’s our last full day at Disney – and I spent like $150 a person for Boo Bash tickets – So I want us to stay until midnight this one time – If he gets tired any other night, I’d be like OK we can go back – but just this one day, I want to stay the whole time and watch all the fireworks – and ride all the rides – after 8:30PM the lines are basically walk on for the rides – because it’s a limited ticket event – so it’ll go from millions of people in the park, to a few thousand people in the park lol. Plus they’re giving free unlimited candy (and other foods and drinks) with price of admission – and you can wear a costume (after 9PM). (I don’t know if I will wear a costume – I love costumes – but it’s so hot in florida lol.)

5:35 PM
The Crystal Palace Dinner – This used to be a character dining experience with Winnie the Pooh – but now it’s just a very beautiful restaurant – The characters might come back by October though who knows – It’s an indoor greenhouse (and yeah probably pretty hot and miserable – and yeah, technically we have restaurants like that here – like Phipps Conservatory – but I dunno I thought it was pretty – and I’m hoping Pooh and Tigger and Piglet come back before October lol.

Saturday, October 9
Park Hours:11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Check out before:
11:00 AM
Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort

Boo – Very sad we will be flying home this day!!
Our flight is scheduled to leave Orlando at 7:35 PM – But with TSA you have to be 2 hours early – so we need to be at the airport at 5:30PM – Need to catch a ride via Magic Express probably no later than 4:00PM to be safe – Prior to that, we can check out Epcot again if we want – that’s where I made the park reservations – or spend time at our hotel resort – we have to be out of the room by 11AM though – or go check out Disney Springs (100 restaurants and shopping malls). I purposely didnt make any dining reservations or special plans this day because I know we will be tired, stressed, and rushed to get through the airport.

We are scheduled to land back in Pittsburgh at 9:50PM – By time we get home it’ll be 11:00PM or later probably. We are going to be exhausted.

But very worth it – It’s going to be an awesome time!

Now I just hope Florida gets their act together – or else Disney World might close down again 🙁

Fingers Crossed — I’m excited now – despite being very against the idea of wearing masks at Disney World – but whatever – still going and having a great time!

There were other places I would have liked to dine at like California Grill, Toppolino’s, and Chef Mickey, but they’re at hotel resorts – and not the one I’m staying at – which would leave me switching busses trying to get to the hotel – and on a tight time schedule – and taking time away from time that could be spent inside the parks.

I’m very excited about my upcoming trip. By the way, if you haven’t already read my post, and if you’re a woman with a wide foot like me, check out my post about Best Women’s Wide Width Shoes For Walking At Walt Disney World – I’ve tried probably 30 pairs by now – and have finally found 3 or 4 I like.

My Disney World October 2 – October 9, 2021 Upcoming Travel Planning Trip Itinerary – As COVID and Delta Variants Rage Across Florida was originally published on